Saxophone Forum

by edikromanyuk
(4 posts)
12 years ago

What mouthpiece can i get?

Hello, im just looking to buy a descent mouthpiece for my tenor saxophone. somewhere between $20-30, i know it's impossible to buy some really good mouthpiece for this kinda money, but i just need and okaying one.. The one that doesn't squick all the time. I was thinking maybe Yamaha 5C or 4C (not sure what the difference)

 Maybe there's some good selmer mouthpieces that are cheap?

i dont know what to get, please recommend something descent. Thank you


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  1. by GFC
    (842 posts)

    12 years ago

    Re: What mouthpiece can i get?

    Those are good mouthpieces.  The larger number designates a larger tip opening.  

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