Saxophone Forum

by dhg
(12 posts)
10 years ago

King Vol true one button bad

vol true 1923-1929 .  my grandad played this for years, i played it for a few with

no problem.

one note/button quit working, so i took it in for overhaul and new pads.

it came back with the same issue. repair guy wasnt familiar with the key design to

know what to look for.

i am pretty mechanical and cannot find anything out of place or pad not closing right.

I am looking for a tech that knows the (vintage saxophones), it's probably a

simple fix for a talented pro...

Can anyone point me to one?

thanks, dave


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  1. by kelsey
    (930 posts)

    10 years ago

    Re: King Vol true one button bad

    Send it to Saxquest. They do a great job for me on repairs!

    Barry Kelsey

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    1. by dhg
      (12 posts)

      9 years ago

      Re: King Vol true one button bad

      Thanks for the feedback , another sax tech said it was a cheap student sax in the 20's and not worth fixing

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