Saxophone Forum

by MacaWindu57
(2 posts)
10 years ago

New to Saxophone

Hi, I'm totally new, but I have the desire to learn and eventually play sax. I'm a Native American Flute player and guitar student. I would like to ask what's a good student saxophone brand? I know Yamaha. Selmer, Bundy are mentioned often, what about others such as Allora and Legacy? Please advise I am saving up to make a purchase. ???? thanks!

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  1. by JonHuff
    (122 posts)

    10 years ago

    Re: New to Saxophone

    There are a lot of decent instruments out there these days, but there are some to stay away from too. The main pro to buying a well established name like Bundy or Yamaha is that if you do your research and get a used one for a decent price, if you decide to sell it later you can always get your money back out of it. That is not the case if you buy new or a brand that no one has heard of. Some lesser-known companies also produce instruments of inferior quality, which will just lead to frustrations by a beginning player. Welcome to the sax world!

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