Saxophone Forum

by Blake_Thiel
(8 posts)
9 years ago

Cannonball Keilwerth or Eastman Tenor?

Hi! I'm a 9th grade Alto Sax player and I've recently switched to Tenor for my jazz combo. I'm currently using myneighbors Keilwerth SX90R and I love it. It was dropped of a stage 15 years ago and doesn't have the original neck. Long story short it's been through a lot but has been repaired so it is in perfect playing condition. My neighbor might sell it to me which leads me to my first question, what should be the maximum I pay for it? (For anyone who isn't aware the exact model and finish retails brand new for $5,793) My next question is what is a good brand and model if he wants a ridiculous amount of money for the Keilwerth? I've been told the Cannonball Big Bell Stone Series are fantastic aswell as the 52nd Street Eastman. What else should I be looking at? I don't want so spend much more than $4,000-$4,500.

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  1. by GFC
    (842 posts)

    9 years ago

    Re: Cannonball Keilwerth or Eastman Tenor?

    The best way to estimate a private sale price is to look at closing sale prices (not asking prices) for comparable horns on ebay and adjust for condition.  Two big questions occur to me.  The first is whether or not there has been other body damage and how well it was repaired.  The other is what the replacement neck is and how well it worked out.  An unsuitable replacement neck can throw tone or intonation off.  Test the intonation against a tuner and your most critical listening to get an idea if the replacement is causing a problem.  If there is a problem, budget about $500 for a suitable aftermarket neck and adjust the price accordingly.  If you're looking for a Keilwerth-like horn you might consider a Kessler Sonus.  It is a reasonably priced horn and Kessler has a customer-friendly trial/return policy.  Cannonball has dealer distribution, so you can try out a BBSS in a store.  There is a large spread between the prices of new and used Cannonballs.  Eastman touts a "vintage" sound, but there is a whole range of sounds from Selmer Mk VI to Conn 10M that come under that category.  The only way to tell what they mean is to play one.

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    1. by Blake_Thiel
      (8 posts)

      9 years ago

      Re: Cannonball Keilwerth or Eastman Tenor?

      It's a Keilwerth replacement neck that works and sounds great. I've tried a few older selmers at my school and i don't like the way the keys feel (not really sure why I just don't, they sound great It's just the way they feel) Never tried a Conn. Do you know if I could try the 52nd street at a Sam Ash or Guitar Center? Cuz I'd much rather pay for that if I like the sound better than the cannonball or the Keilwerth cuz it's a bit cheaper but I haven't heard of any places to try them.

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      1. by GFC
        (842 posts)

        9 years ago

        Re: Cannonball Keilwerth or Eastman Tenor?

        Eastman might have dealers listed on their website.  Other than that, you'll have to ask individual dealers or do some web research.  I seriously doubt they'd be at Guitar Center and it's a crappy chain anyway.  

        It seems you've got a decision in front of you whether you would prefer a horn with the deeper, fatter Keilwerth type sound or the more focused Selmer type sound.  If it's the latter you've got more options because the Selmer type sound is the one most horns in current production are emulating.  There are also Yamaha and Yanagisawa clones, but from what you've said so far that doesn't seem like something you'd be interested in.

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        1. by Blake_Thiel
          (8 posts)

          9 years ago

          Re: Cannonball Keilwerth or Eastman Tenor?

          I do prefer the deeper fatter sound that I get on the Keilwerth. I'll definitley try all kinds of stuff when I go to sam ash to play their open mic night on wednesday though. What would you say the sond of a Yani or Yamaha has? On my alto (YAS-23) I feel like it has a slightly more modern, focused sound. Would that be a fair generalization of those two brands?

          Reply To Post

        2. by GFC
          (842 posts)

          9 years ago

          Re: Cannonball Keilwerth or Eastman Tenor?

          Yes, that would be a fair generalization although there is some variation between specific models of Yamahas and Yanis.  Some report that the 800 series Yanis are more Selmer-like than the more recent ones.  But if you're definitely going for the Keilwerth thing you're going in a different direction entirely.

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      2. by JonHuff
        (120 posts)

        9 years ago

        Re: Cannonball Keilwerth or Eastman Tenor?

        There are a whole lot of great tenors to be had for up to that $4000 budget. My advice is to play as many different models as you can. See what you like (and what you don't like). It is a big investment and you don't want to make a decision you will regret down the line. 

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