Saxophone Forum

by queen of the saxes
(9 posts)
19 years ago

Help On Soprano

hey, i am getting a soprano for x-mas and my mom let me try it out. I had a great tone quality and a nice sound going, but when I tried to play any note below the low D i couldn't get it to come out right. Can any of ya'll out there help me out with this. Also if any one knows a good place to find soprano sax music. And does the mouth piece really make a difference?

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  1. by queen of the saxes
    (9 posts)

    19 years ago

    Re: Help On Soprano

    come one someone help me out!!!! I'm dyin over here. Some body out there has to know whatss wrong. how come no one wants to help me i thjink i'm gonna cry!!!!! I'm serious. i really need some help w/ the soprano sax low note thing. i will be superbly grateful to anyone who is willing to give some advice.

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    1. by tenor562
      (297 posts)

      19 years ago

      Re: Help On Soprano

      what brand of sax is it? Play tenor music for soprano, works the same.

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      1. by karebear1012
        (395 posts)

        19 years ago

        Re: Help On Soprano

        oh, the same thing happened with me when I first got my soprano sax. My dad bought me one by Antigua Winds for my birthday last year, and the lower notes (below D) came out an octave above. This could have to do with your air stream. If you're going from say a tenor to a soprano, you're obviously not going to need as much air... Also, you could have a leak. Mine had a couple leaks, which caused the lower notes to go up an octave. Also, you should play your soprano like a saxophone, and not a clarinet.... holding it straight down is more "clarinetish" .. try holding it out more as you would a trumpet or something. See if that works. When I first got mine, I was advised to use a tuner while playing, to make sure your pitch is right. You might want to do that as well - it helped me. Good luck! Kara

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        1. by queen of the saxes
          (9 posts)

          19 years ago

          Re: Help On Soprano

          Thanks alot ya'll. It's a ummm.... band now brand. it's just a starter. I also have a straight neck and a curved one, which is better? Sorry if i sounded a little well..... desperate in my topic thingy. lol. it's just that no one ever reply's to one of my posts, and well this time i was a little antsy to get a reply. By the way i play alto and tenor. And as in if it has a leak, how would you describe that in layman terms?

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        2. by saxismyaxe
          (575 posts)

          19 years ago

          Re: Help On Soprano

          I would advise you to take your horn to a competent Sax tech first chance that you get. A properly adjusted horn should facilitate playing the entire range without hesitation in the hands of a player with even average ability, especialy the low end of the Soprano. Band Now horns don't come from the factory in satisfactory adjustment, so this is likely the problem.

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