Saxophone Forum

by sofian444
(7 posts)
20 years ago

Tenor Zephyr

i have a king zephyr tenor, made in the 1965-1970 time period. its a school saxophone, but i ABSOLUTELY love it! sadly its in very bad condition, the bottom is almost totally flat becuase the case is too small for the instrument when i put the neck stopper in. theres dents all over the neck and and bottom of the bell. i was thinking of getting it totally fixed with my own saved-up money, but i wanted to know whehter or not zephyrs are good instruments to begin with, so i have an idea of how it will sound after i get it fixed. my friend said zephyrs are legendary. my sax responds very fast, but the tone is mediocre. also, how do you know when to replace your pads? if i get my sax fixed, will it make a difference? i also want to know about zephyrs. ive tried to find information on them, but i havent found much. thanks for all that can help!

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  1. by definition
    (963 posts)

    20 years ago

    Re: Tenor Zephyr

    1) The Zephyr is a VERY, VERY, VERY good horn. Count yourself lucky to have one to play. 2) For info on the Zephyr check out it is run by pete hales, the sax historian, and all around great guy. Just look in the king (H. N. White) area of the site and Pete has a polethera of info 3) The tone you will get from the Zephyr is alot like the Super 20, a very powerful sound, capable of really fillin up a room. It is totally worth getting fixed. But since you dont own it, see if you can get your director to pay for it, since he is technically responsible fer making sure tthe students with school horns have good playing ones. If he wont pay for it, see if he'll let you buy it from him. You never know, he might let you. Well I hope this helps, let us know how it goes!

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