Saxophone Forum

by John Coltrane
(84 posts)
20 years ago

What Does your Jazz Band Play?

This year we are playing some cool song. Blue Cellophane Happy-Go-Lucky Local I Didn't Know About You (contest songs) Peanut Vendor Ko-ko Rockabye River Haitian Fightsong I Let A Song Come out Of my Heart (other songs we play)

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  1. by sofian444
    (7 posts)

    19 years ago

    Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

    we're playing Afro Blue Walk on the Wild Side (cool song!) There's the Rub Watermelon Man Horn of Puente It's Alright With Me Quintessence Opus de Funk Ellis Island A Warm Breeze Two Seconds to Midnight Sing Sing Sing gosh i forgot some of the names.. but anyways we also had to memorize My Funny Valentine, I could write a book, and Speak Low. we have jazz band as a class too.. i play first tenor sax. i was actually supposed to play third tenor, which doubles on 2nd but the first tenor went to costa rica for 6 months unexpectedly and the second tenor doesnt live in our district so he got kicked out of our school. it was fate, man.

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    1. by HAILEYgrrIMaDINO
      (2 posts)

      15 years ago

      Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

      Ah, your jazz band sounds much more professional than mine. Ours is just kinda something we threw together because our school wants us to play at basketball games. XD Anyway, we play things like: Hot, Hot, Hot Twist and Shout Sing Sing Sing Respect Smoke On The Water A bunch of random songs out of these little books we have that really aren't jazz. Haha. Anyway, congrats on the first tenor fate. (:

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  2. by JayB
    (2 posts)

    19 years ago

    Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

    Our Jazz Band just did a gig at an opening and we at the time had in our play list georga on my mind april in paris on broadway lullaby of bird land sing sing sing blue train (trane i think) no hablo espanol queries mas (not great in spanish) blues machine harlem nocturne The gremlin's revenge night in tunisia and lets look at some in the past pink panther (i was all over the solo action in this one) born to be wild (not really jazz but we rocked er) there have been so many i can't remember half of them

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  3. by BariSaxMan
    (2 posts)

    19 years ago

    Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

    This year we've been switching around some songs, but our 3 for the competition are: Fowl Play - Kris Berg (Got this on my iPod, great song, lots of unison parts, bass line is killer!) Sweet Dreams - Victor Lopez (Nice Ballad that features... Me, the Bari Sax) Red Top (Not my favorite, but it is a good opener)

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  4. by bigred
    (43 posts)

    19 years ago

    Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

    this year we've played 1. The Jazz Police- Gordon Goodwins Big Phat Band 2. Old School 3. Critical Mass 4. Woodchoppers Ball 5. Let's Dance 6. The Sermon 7. Hunting Wabbits- also by GGBPB

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    1. by saxjunkie89
      (393 posts)

      19 years ago

      Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

      we've got maybe 200+ songs in our folders. Including: Big Mama Cass (bari intro solo) Over the Rainbow Moonlight Serenade The Sermon Both Hands Swingin' Half and Half Samantha (alto solo throughout) In the Mood My Romance just to name a few

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  5. by straightj23
    (103 posts)

    19 years ago

    Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

    Just got our new music... -Mack The Knife (tenor solo) -Birdland (recorded by Weather Report) (saxophone solos throughout) -The Girl From Ipanema (alto solo) -Respect (recorded by Aretha Franklin) -Broadway (Trumpet Feature) -Bone Busters (Trombone Feature) We still have out.... -Take Five (tenor solo) -Salt Peanuts -A Night In Tunisa (alto solo) -Leap Frog (alto solo)

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  6. by muzikman_wky
    (17 posts)

    19 years ago

    Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

    I come from the Philippines and I play in the Silliman University Jazz band... Our Jazz band is playing a lot of standard big band tunes like: Moonlight Serenade How High the Moon April in Paris As Time Goes By Summertime Manteca Akelie others..... And we play a lot of "newer" songs like: Strike up the band Smooth Oye como va El Manisero (the peanut vendor) One note samba others....

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  7. by straightj23
    (103 posts)

    19 years ago

    Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

    We just got In The Mood out again, but only for the gigs we're doing outside of school. And, to all of you guys, I am a big fan of Gordon Goodwin's arrangements. My personal favorites are: Count Bubba, Mueva los Huesos, Hunting Wabbits, and High Maintenance. But, I finally got my director to get something of Gordon Goodwin's for next year. We are playing Count Bubba's Revenge next year. It is awesome. Just like it's predicesor Count Bubba, it features every section one at a time. Solos will be for me on tenor and my friend on bari. Sweet. And FYI, you guys should check out the play along books Gordon Goodwin has out now. He has a play along series featuring tracks of the real band on CD. They are available for Alto, Tenor, Trombone, Trumpet, and Drums. You can get more info at his website:

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  8. by straightj23
    (103 posts)

    18 years ago

    Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

    We're playing: -Stormy Weather (alto sax feature) -Skyhook (another alto sax feature) -Mercy, Mercy, Mercy -The Jetsons Theme -St. Thomas -Green Onions -Moondance -Pick Up The Pieces -Chameleon -25 or 6 to 4 -Sing, Sing, Sing

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  9. by saxophrenia
    (1 post)

    15 years ago

    Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

    We have about 200 songs but so far we've worked on I Hear Ya Talkin Shake n Bake Night Flight It Had To Be You Both Hands Swingin La Fiesta A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square

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  10. by Caelestis
    (5 posts)

    14 years ago

    Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

    we play Autumn Leaves, Cutting edge, Gospel John, Jazzman Bluesette, Little Boy Lost Saturday Night Blues, Alright Okay You Win, Jus' plain Bill

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  11. by jazzcharts
    (1 post)

    12 years ago

    Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

    If you're looking for some new music this year, check out my publishing site, Jazzcharts provides band directors and band leaders with music that swings, grooves and is fun to play! Check us out!

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  12. by barisaxiguy
    (50 posts)

    20 years ago

    Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

    for our competition we played blues in hoss flat, blues 101, and big time operator. hopefully we'll start playing boplicity, cuz our conductor passed that out a while ago

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    1. by John Coltrane
      (84 posts)

      20 years ago

      Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

      good luck with it

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  13. by definition
    (963 posts)

    20 years ago

    Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

    Blue Trane Summertime Baracuda Bay Chops Don't fail me now Doxy Papa was a rollin' stone Big Daddies Blues Cut to the Chase Pick up the Pieces Comin' home Baby Whats Goin' On In the Mood Impact Zone Harlem Nocturne Southern Fried Keepin' Time Waa Waao Baby Drives a Fast Car Saturday Night Blues More Music to come!

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    1. by John Coltrane
      (84 posts)

      20 years ago

      Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

      nice list, blue trane is a great song too, i thinkj one of coltranes best works.

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      1. by barimachine
        (323 posts)

        20 years ago

        Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

        Blue Cellophane Happy-Go-Lucky Local I Didn't Know About You (contest songs) Peanut Vendor Ko-ko I let a song go out of my heart

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        1. by barimachine
          (323 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

          standards are combo music such as what you listed like summertime, mr pc, so what, blue trane, st thomas, doxy, oleo, .... from real book but for more ensemble charts sophisticated ladies In the Mood pick up the pieces feels so good children of sanchez jazz police hunting wabbits chicken scratch south beach golden palm los gatos gospel john jump o clock one hayburner the looking glass you left this live and let die funkathustra where the buffalo roam cityscape take the A train *ellington* take the A train *gordon goodwin* All the things you are In a sentimental mood caravan first born angel eyes apple honey el burrito picante and the chamber of doom groove master poppin fresh the daily blues birdland yardbird suite Take 5 blue rondo a la turk Sing sing sing theres alot more that we have that im not remembering this is all the music weve played in the 2 years ive been in it ... there so much more... and more that we havent called up yet from the cabinet but with the exception of the new people to the band each year you spend your first year learning alot of songs and then when we play small gigs we just call up the obscure stuff that we ususally dont play and what not, then we have crowd pleasers then we have festival tunes ands outside gigs get maybe 1 2 or 3 of our signature songs then a bunch of new ones. then we do this jazz swing night thing every year this years its really developing and we know all the swing music from all the years but we just learn all that stuff its all basically standards this year or variations but that always adds in what we do

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        2. by thebarimenace
          (4 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

          Man those are some nice charts. I've a few of them but we're mostly on standards, because our ensembles terrible. But i'm curious, what school do you attend?

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        3. by definition
          (963 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

          If I were to include the songs we've lpayed in past years; it would include lots of those great songs you've mentioned. We dont use the real books though

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        4. by Dirty_Reggae
          (55 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

          Lullaby of Birdland Harlem Nocturne Pick up the Peices Squeeze this mr. whipple A beautiful day in the neighborhood(samba) El Burrito Picante and the Chamber of Doom (easy but fun) and a bunch of other ones that we havn't played in a while. I have a question about Nocturne tho, the pecie we use features me and i have some trouble with some of the syncopation. Any advice from the altos that are playing this with their jazz bands? We're also doing a cool We Three kings for xmas. Should be cool!

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        5. by saxgrobie
          (86 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

          Baby Drives a Fast Car!!!! also Feliz Navidad and a few others for our christmas concert which was last night.

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        6. by barimachine
          (323 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

          yea we have so many charts that we have and play because well we got about 400 free charts and a large number of books from after reviews from a magazine, because we know the editor, but i cant tell you which

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        7. by InstantLunch
          (30 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

          feelin' all right blue rondo a la turk in the mood jump o'clock one land of make believe over the rainbow the joy of cookin' stormy weather here's that rainy day crazy rythm avalon a night in havana harlem nocturne rudolph the red nosed raindeer(we must please the kiddies) a big band christmas sing sing sing indiana my funny valentine a string of pearls metro wail there you'll be take the "a" train yesterday how high the moon comin' home baby bradley's time

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        8. by Dirty_Reggae
          (55 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

          oooooooh hows Blue Rondo a la Turk? I play that song on piano and i love it.

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        9. by InstantLunch
          (30 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

          It's a pretty neat song, but when we played it last year it seemed like the crowd didn't enjoy it. Of course, the crowd mostly consisted of country lovin' hicks and their children. The band likes it, though.

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        10. by John Coltrane
          (84 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

          barimachine r u really playing those songs u listed? and what high school do you go to?

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        11. by barimachine
          (323 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

          yea we play alot of songs ... we used to be a better band in my opinion, although we still have a great program and alot of great musicians but we always get dragged down by maybe one or two people like bass... or bass player should not be allowed to make music... ever but we still know alot of charts, do you guys have jazz band as a class? we do, but ive reliezed alot of people dont

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        12. by karebear1012
          (395 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

          you have jazz band as a class? ours is an after school audition-only type thing. that's pretty cool that youve got it as a class though. for music, my school offers music theory (I, II, AP), music history, music workshop, piano lab, 2 bands, orchestra, like 6 choruses....etc etc etc.

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        13. by mooing_sheep
          (20 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

          Goodbye Pork Pie Hat

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        14. by John Coltrane
          (84 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

          Groovin hard is a pretty nice song so is blue trane. hmm what high schools do u guys attend?

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        15. by barimachine
          (323 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

          blake high school in maryland silver spring and yes jazz band is an audition only class and it counts as a weighted honors grade

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        16. by mooing_sheep
          (20 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

          You go to Blake? That's awsome, I go to Blair! Are you guys going to that MD high school jazzfest thing on the 11th? Also, the music I listed from before was from both jazz bands, b/c there's two. Double the fun!

          Reply To Post

        17. by barimachine
          (323 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

          haha yea ill be there ill be playing in county too im a bari player what do you play are you gonna be there

          Reply To Post

        18. by barimachine
          (323 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

          haha yea ill be there ill be playing in county too im a bari player what do you play are you gonna be there also the silver spring jazz festival was absolute crap we were joking about wouldnt it be funny if einstein? i think it was won and then it happened we were like what the hell.... we thought you would win cuz we fuh uchked up

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        19. by mooing_sheep
          (20 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

          I play alto--funfunfun! both out jazz bands are playing at jazzzzfesto--also funfunfun!

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        20. by John Coltrane
          (84 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

          yeah we have a vocalist, she also plays tenor sax.

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        21. by barimachine
          (323 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

          thank god we dont have a returning vocalist we play with them but we dont have one per say... thank god

          Reply To Post

        22. by Dirty_Reggae
          (55 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

          Well just yestarday our vocalist quit, so now we dont have one. I like vocal peices and stuff most of the time. Every year during the holidays me and and a friend put together a christmas blues/jazz combo to fund our xmas presnents (last year we made 800$ in a month and a half!) It has Tenor(me) Bass, Drums piano and vocal. For that kinda stuff i LOVE having a vocalist. But big band swing and highschool jazz band its a lot less neccesary.

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        23. by saxman0317
          (53 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

          Man thats alot, our school is having problems just keeping one band! We have possibly the best teacher ive ever met, untill the ned of the year that is, but then we get left with god knows who. But o well, whatcha going to do, theres always the community bands to look for!

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      2. by saxman0317
        (53 posts)

        20 years ago

        Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

        Baby Drives a fast car is a fun tune aint it! we played that about 3 years ago

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        1. by John Coltrane
          (84 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

          wow thats a long time ago.

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      3. by saxman0317
        (53 posts)

        20 years ago

        Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

        We are sticking to the simple classics this year, and going to a Glen Miller cover band type thing for our first few shows, plus a couple Ellington peices, hopefully we'll have some carry over to our travel tours out of state and to other districts, such as In The Mood (glory be to the sax!?) and take the A Train

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        1. by barimachine
          (323 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

          in the mood can burn in hell... repeating the same thing at different dynamics a thousand times sucks... cool at first but after 5000 times...

          Reply To Post

          1. by mooing_sheep
            (20 posts)

            20 years ago

            Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

            Hey barimachine, I saw you play today at the festival thing at Sherwood HS--you guys were phenomenal!!!!!!! Some other high school played "Caravan" really soon after you guys, although it was not nearly as good. Anyway, props for an outstanding performance!

            Reply To Post

            1. by Triple S
              (2 posts)

              20 years ago

              Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

              My list isn't very long but here it is: Oye Como Va The Queen Bee Things Ain't What They Used to Be Afro Blue Stolen Moments and Skylark

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            2. by John Coltrane
              (84 posts)

              20 years ago

              Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

              i remember ole afro blue, cool tune

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            3. by barimachine
              (323 posts)

              20 years ago

              Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

              hey sheep girl yea that was for county... we messed up so bad because we ran on stage from playing so tuning was non existant... and all our cues got screwed we played hit and run slow*first song* and my mike wasnt on haha but are you doing state? or east coast jazz festival? go to east coast im playing in both bands'll be better anyway.... what did you guys get and play for blair we played south beach you left this jazz police we were so scared cuz we like learned the charts starting last friday so yea... but we averaged 96 woohoo straight ones but we got a 99 a 90 and a 94-7? i forget but they were good chris vadala was judging!

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            4. by mooing_sheep
              (20 posts)

              20 years ago

              Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

              Yeah, Chris Vadala's awsome. Our band teacher got confused or something, so our jazz band didn't get to play, just the other one--they played Synergy, Round Midnight, and Hunting Wabbits, and ended up getting all 1's--w00t! We still ended up working w/Vadala, so it was cool.

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            5. by barimachine
              (323 posts)

              20 years ago

              Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

              god everyone got ones geez yea were playing hunting wabbits too we didn't play it yesterday because its not really jazz festival piecy enough i agree its so much group stuff to mock a quartet sound at the start still a good song though

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            6. by John Coltrane
              (84 posts)

              20 years ago

              Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

              hmm, whose the best players to play in your guy's band?

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            7. by barimachine
              (323 posts)

              20 years ago

              Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

              umm me? sike i ... yes but i think i have a good tenor player whose not lead for some reason are band is unlike any other is our teacher... theres alot of polotics but our piano player won the best solist in the jazz festival we just had!

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            8. by John Coltrane
              (84 posts)

              20 years ago

              Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

              nice, heh same here with our band, theres like a inner circle clik in ours. the good people with stuck up attitudes and ppl who r good but rebel. :)

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            9. by barimachine
              (323 posts)

              20 years ago

              Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

              you too?! and ours arent even that good... we call them trumpet players. sike we have the best trumpet player in maryland/ eastern region the rest

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            10. by John Coltrane
              (84 posts)

              20 years ago

              Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

              well we have some of the best people in columbus, ohio. 5 people from columbus youth jazz are in our band and we had an excellent alto/clarinet/tenor player last yr who got outstanding solo in essentially ellington. but the inner circle clik is annoyning sometimes.

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          2. by SaxMan88
            (318 posts)

            20 years ago

            Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

            We did some cool stuff. Here's the list: Stompin' at the Savoy (the Benny Goodman classic) Brick House (duh, Commodores) A Charlie Brown Christmas What Child is This? That's for the winter concert. In the spring I know we're doing 'Frankenstien'. And next year I think I convinced the director to try 'Picking Up the Pieces'. It's all fun.

            Reply To Post

            1. by SaxMan88
              (318 posts)

              20 years ago

              Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

              Heck, we only have three good sax players in our jazz band which one of is me. Heck we ain't stuck up, no way no how. ;)

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            2. by saxman0317
              (53 posts)

              20 years ago

              Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

              Frankinstein is an awsome song, alittle repetive, but its a crowd thriller. Killer fast is the only to go with it and it only sounds good if you play absolutly perfect and are in perfect tune.

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              1. by barimachine
                (323 posts)

                20 years ago

                Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

                dont go crazy on it perfect in tune for every note everyplayer... no, being in tune and working at it yea but ive never heard that song whose it by and pick up the pieces sucks , well not really. but its like in the mood, repetitive and eventually just dull after uve played it i say that but i always enjoy playing it when we get into it

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                1. by barimachine
                  (323 posts)

                  20 years ago

                  Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

                  that song sounds insanly easy...

                  Reply To Post

                2. by barimachine
                  (323 posts)

                  20 years ago

                  Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

                  popping fresh is a harder song... well its still not that hard but its fun as a sax section look it up at it has the audio clips

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                3. by yiftach
                  (11 posts)

                  20 years ago

                  Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

                  o.k... this muskrate blue in green moonlight saraned there is no grater love blue monk about 10 originals of out teacher and israelis songs... ornitholegy stolen moments duke's blues afternoon in paris basi's blues i remember you out of nowhere lonnie's lament in my rock band: july morning- uiriah heep birdland- weather report that's basicly it...

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              2. by galactic
                (2 posts)

                20 years ago

                Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

                holy jesus god i would kill to play haitian fight song i love that song

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                1. by reccos150
                  (7 posts)

                  20 years ago

                  Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

                  Any on here going to the Mile High Jazz Festival in Arrowhead on Saturday?? It's going to be so cool...there will be professionals there giving clinics, and the best soloist from the day gets to play with them in the evening. It's going to be great!

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              3. by straightj
                (18 posts)

                20 years ago

                Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

                Blue Rondo A La Turk A String Of Pearls Copacabana (At The Copa) Autumn Leaves (Les Feuilles Mortes) Nutville In The Mood I Got Rhythm Moondance Malaquena Crazy Train Crab Legs

                Reply To Post

                1. by karebear1012
                  (395 posts)

                  20 years ago

                  Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

                  Earlier in the year we did I remember Clifford that's a beautiful piece...awesome trumpet solo...

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                2. by thebarimenace
                  (4 posts)

                  20 years ago

                  Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

                  Why in the hell does everyone play the blue rondo? I mean... It's a good piece, don't get me wrong, but from an audience member's standpoint, the crowd doesn't think it's THAT great. You need the true bruebeck piano-sax composure to pull it off well...

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                3. by straightj
                  (18 posts)

                  20 years ago

                  Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

                  Oops. I forgot one. We are also playing Puttin' On the Ritz.

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                  1. by thebarimenace
                    (4 posts)

                    20 years ago

                    Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

                    Funny you should mention that... Do you know any place that sells a sax quartet arrangement of Puttin' on the Ritz?

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                4. by EL Seano
                  (255 posts)

                  20 years ago

                  Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

                  Dear Coltrane Imposter, The Western Australian Youth Jazz Orchestra Big Band (there are 3 bands, big band, swing band and composer's ensemble) plays Shiny Stockings Koko Cottontail Four Brothers (My fav) Jalapeno Dreams In A Mellotone Hay Burner Sister Sadie September in the Rain The Way you look tonight Layover in San Juan Margie Blue feeling and much more :-)

                  Reply To Post

                5. by EL Seano
                  (255 posts)

                  20 years ago

                  Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

                  Dear Coltrane Imposter, The Western Australian Youth Jazz Orchestra Big Band (there are 3 bands, big band, swing band and composer's ensemble) plays Shiny Stockings Koko Cottontail Four Brothers (My fav) Jalapeno Dreams In A Mellotone Hay Burner Sister Sadie September in the Rain The Way you look tonight Layover in San Juan Margie Blue feeling and much more :-)

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                  1. by EL Seano
                    (255 posts)

                    20 years ago

                    Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

                    damnit! sorry about the double post

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                    1. by karebear1012
                      (395 posts)

                      20 years ago

                      Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

                      I remember clifford four in a mellowtone harlem nocturne groove merchant louisiana be bop etc....................

                      Reply To Post

                      1. by reccos150
                        (7 posts)

                        20 years ago

                        Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

                        Six by Six Crecent Civer Ramble Mercy Mercy Mercy Chicken Scratch Mambo Hot El Burrito Picante and the Chamber of Doom Velent Rain Just Before Sunset Baby Drives a Fast Car We just opened up a new highschool so our collection isn't very big.

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                      2. by west
                        (242 posts)

                        20 years ago

                        Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

                        Long Ago And Far Away Bolavia Rooster Parade Shortest dissonance between 2 chords Rooster Parade is fun and i recommend you find that song for jazz. Bolavia is a neat, sort of spanish mariachi(?) song. Long Ago And Far Away has a Bari sax solo and is a really nice song.

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                      3. by YanagisawA-901
                        (312 posts)

                        20 years ago

                        Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

                        we just had our spring concert last nite and we absolutely dominated.. our lineup was.. All the Things You was a new arrangement, sort of a latin feel.. really fun.. think it was a grade 4 or 5 Trinita - a flugle horn feature.. by mark taylor After youve gone - swing ballad - arranged by mark taylor as well.. Stevie wonders Too High a modern arrangement of Yardbird Suite done by Mark Taylor Encore: Omaha - originally recorded by Maynard Ferguson that was such a fun concert to play.. it was crazy..

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                      4. by kitnachi
                        (41 posts)

                        20 years ago

                        Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

                        Our Jazz band has a big list of songs that barely fit in our folders. We play All the things you are One mint Julep (a fovorite of mine) moondance misty makin whoopee groovin hard groove merchant coner pocket I remember clifford Love for Sale boogie express big dipper pavane high mantinence there are a whole bunch of others I can't remember of the top of my head we are really tryin to convince or instuctor to let us play Tank! but he wont let us

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                      5. by saxybandgeek_88
                        (10 posts)

                        20 years ago

                        Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

                        are you really playing high maintinence? Is it the one where there is a huge sax soli? If so that is a nutso song. I commend you for playing it! Moondance is a fun tune also!

                        Reply To Post

                      6. by EL Seano
                        (255 posts)

                        20 years ago

                        Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

                        Oh yeh and we might play cherry juice (eek)

                        Reply To Post

                      7. by connsaxman_jim
                        (2336 posts)

                        20 years ago

                        Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

                        What does my jazz band play? JAZZ!!! of course!!!

                        Reply To Post Yahoo!

                      8. by TANGO SIX ONE
                        (255 posts)

                        20 years ago

                        Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

                        The knights Templar state: Jazz, jazz and more jazz Its not what you play but how you play it. Jazz is a very big word. It can mean a lot of different things to different people. So firstly you got to narrow the field.Then in the chosen field it has many sub catagories. Then there is breaking new ground with the old.Then understanding why you are playing each tune. Every jazz musician should have their originals and projects.But if your on the bread and butter route "standards", then they cant be decided until at the point of exeqution.The music has to fit the present not the future or the past. In short, Style and delivery.( Bird Lives) ,

                        Reply To Post

                      9. by EL Seano
                        (255 posts)

                        20 years ago

                        Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

                        I have recently conversed with a cat named Gary Bartz (played with Mccoy Tyner, Christoph Spendel), and he preaches that the word 'jazz' should not be used to describe the music that we love so dearly. Jazz, as many people know, also has a negative sexual meaning. Many serious jazz musicians (mainly from USA, i've noticed) seem to be quite offended when this word is put into context. So I've found a synonym of this word, Spontaneous Improvisation. Trane Lives Bartz Lives Tyner Lives

                        Reply To Post

                    2. by Pressure Drop
                      (10 posts)

                      20 years ago

                      Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

                      Jazz Band II: Summertime A Night in Tunisia 'Round Midnight Get It On Killer Joe Woodchopper's Ball Take the "A" Train Take Five Jazz Band I : Jump, Jive, an' Wail Street Life Indiana Bugle Call Rag Watermelon Man Girl from Ipanimea

                      Reply To Post

                    3. by BurnPianoIslandBurn
                      (6 posts)

                      20 years ago

                      Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

                      we play a really old goodwin song called Jabberwocky and the Titinium Blues. Its great. Also we're gonna play huntin wabbits next year, is that really hard???

                      Reply To Post AIM

                      1. by west
                        (242 posts)

                        20 years ago

                        Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

                        huntin' wabbits. the warner brothers song?

                        Reply To Post

                        1. by Bariboy
                          (18 posts)

                          20 years ago

                          Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

                          we are playing hunting wabbits and the jazz police next year. really cool

                          Reply To Post

                          1. by barimachine
                            (323 posts)

                            20 years ago

                            Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

                            hunting wabbits is all section based to do it well is pretty hard. but not really we pulled it together in about a week. jazz police was our "signature song" this year now it is so annoying

                            Reply To Post

                          2. by yanytenor
                            (12 posts)

                            19 years ago

                            Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

                            Our school swing band plays loads of the stuff you have already mentioned, in the mood, my funny valentine, moondance, watermellon man, summertime, someone to watch over me - they are just a few. The school has 2 CDs of different bands, half of which are the swing band. We're out every saturday playing at gigs. I think to band it booked until 2007. So obviously we have quite a lot of music!!! We also had a great time recently when part of the band was invited to play with HM Band of the Royal Marines - we are the only school in the world to have 2 partnerships with military bands. We got to play loads of really hard music which is always a challenge.

                            Reply To Post

                          3. by mattdude
                            (74 posts)

                            19 years ago

                            Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

                            last year we played channel one suite, i'm first tenor with that feature. we played the REAL groovin hard, not one of the watered down versions, so many mroe that i can't think of right now because i'm too tired. our book has over 200 charts from just 4 years. about 175 of which are the original non watered down versions. we are one of a few select high school jazz bands who can hold an entire two hour concert 3 times a year and not repeat a song all year. we play them all very well too. we've gone to berkley jazz festival... only problem is that berkley doesn't weight gradings based upon the level of a chart, so we havent' made first. if they weighted according to the difficulty of the chart though, i can 100% guarantee we would get first in our class every single year. here's a recording of us playing channel one last year. unfortunately we lost 3 senior trumpet players and another person who dropped out of jazz band, so now we only have one guy whos been in jazz band before in the trumpet section. the rest are rookies... we also lost our drummer, but we had an alternate who's pretty good. we lost a couple bone players (first and bass)... there are actually only 3 people who this year is their fourth year in jazz band. myself, the first alto player, and the bass player.. anywho, check out the recording, i hope you like it. sorry for the poor video quality. i also got a new saxophone which has a tone about a thousand times better than that one, so don't be too critical of me ;)

                            Reply To Post

                        2. by tee196
                          (31 posts)

                          19 years ago

                          Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

                          Hey here are some of the songs we are playing: Ko-ko Another Excuse to play the blues Thazit Count Bubba Samba del gringo James Bond Theme probobly other stuff too cant think of it at the moment. But there is some of our list.

                          Reply To Post

                          1. by tee196
                            (31 posts)

                            19 years ago

                            Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

                            oh sorry cant figure out how to edit we are also playing: pick up the pieces Chicken Scratch (alot of syncapation (sp?))

                            Reply To Post

                          2. by mattdude
                            (74 posts)

                            19 years ago

                            Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

                            we played count bubba to death my sophomore year :-p

                            Reply To Post

                            1. by tee196
                              (31 posts)

                              19 years ago

                              Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

                              Its a great song, we are just starting to dig into it-- like we are on the 2nd page. Its fun- I play tenor and i love the chart- ive listened to the recording this will be an awesome piece!!

                              Reply To Post

                              1. by CountSpatula
                                (602 posts)

                                19 years ago

                                Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

                                Some of my favorites are Count Bubba Petal To the Metal Thriller (michael jackson o.O) Abracadabra When Johnny Comes Swingin' Home We dont play much classical stuff, just whatever we think is cool (our band director rocks)

                                Reply To Post AIM

                              2. by YanagisawA-901
                                (312 posts)

                                19 years ago

                                Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

                                Matt: i hope you dont mind me giving you some criticism from a fellow high school player.. im lead alto in my high schools current band.. and last year i was 2nd alto in probably one of the better bands our school has seen. personally, if we were to go to adjudication against ur school, we would blow u away hands down. and im not saying that to put you down or say ur band is band.. that band is a lot better than a lot of bands ive hear play like, grade 4-5-6 pieces.. last year at adjudication we had a band play the EXACT same song and arrangement we did of After Youve Gone.. we blew them away i heard a lot of tone problems and whatnot.. not so much from u as i did the trumpets.. the sax section seemd great.. and i really liked ur solo.. is that solo the written one?? or did u sit down and transcribe it from the buddy rich recording?? cuz i loved that.. but overall good.. i think your school should take thier difficulty in music down as well as how many selections they play and work most of thier year on maybe.. 5-6 songs.. cuz that is what we do and we get gold every year with the soloist awards goin to our guys.. ........... heres our lineup last year: after youve gone omaha yardbirt suite too high vehicle all the things you are trinita ......... this year were working on muy caliente love for sale and he ordered 4 new pieces grade 4 and higher from a demo cd.. were also either goin to play Hank Leveys Time for a Change or Quintessence...

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                              3. by Sax Mom
                                (964 posts)

                                19 years ago

                                Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

                                YanagisawA-901, Your immaturity is showing. Enough said.

                                Reply To Post

                              4. by yanytenor
                                (12 posts)

                                19 years ago

                                Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

                                Are you playing in a very small band? Our swing band has probably 50+ peices and the ability to create 3 45 minutes sets. Whereas you appear to have between 8-10 different pieces. Also this whole adjusdication thing? Music is playing for enjoyment not as a competition. What I think is a good piece of music is different to our bari sax player, we often disagree over whether Moondance is better than In The Mood. But more to the point yes a band can make a better sound but it doesn't matter, what matters is the enjoyment every person from that band gets from playing the music. And just a quick note - we are playing with the Marines (arguably the best band in the world) and have multiple grade 8 band pieces in our set.

                                Reply To Post

                              5. by barimachine
                                (323 posts)

                                19 years ago

                                Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

                                who grades on a scale to 8? also on a note yes the marines are quite a good band the best military band arguably, but while i would be slaughtered if my ex marine teacher heard me say this doesnt make them the BEST BAND IN THE WORlD (sorry for caps) but still they are good why did i say this stuff despite it not mattering 1. curious (grade 8) examples of the charts i want to know 2. it seemed like you were mocking someone with 8 pieces and what not 3. bored

                                Reply To Post

                              6. by YanagisawA-901
                                (312 posts)

                                19 years ago

                                Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

                                sax mom: dont really know what your talking about, nor do i care.. did i ask for critism's on my character?? no.. did i say "hey i dont really like ur band.. anyone who disagrees with my views can take a stab at my character".. no, so that leaves no room for your comments.. i dont care if u have "seniority" or not.. yani dude: we do play for the enjoyment.. we have one of the best music programs on the east coast, i dont care what anyone says.. we go to adjudication to beat ourselves.. noone else.. we dont go in competition with other bands, other than last year.. we go, to continue our streak of superior rating .. somthin like 35 years.. last year both our concert and jazz recieved superior ratings, as well as the best sax section award, best trombone section, and best rythm.. and no were not in a small band.. its a regulation big band style group.. 5 saxes, 5 bones, 5 trumpets and a rhythm section consisting of piano, bass, drum and toys.. we only have about 6 charts a year not because our band is sub par.. its because we take great pride in making every song the best it can be.. we are all musicians.. not, a highschool band.. i get disgusted when someone compares me to some highschool band.. were not.. we dont just throw together 30 songs to be able to play them and put on a "entertaining" show to people who dont know anything about music.. we play the music to inspire minds.. to make people cry.. for the standing ovations in the middle of a selection.. that is why we play.. and ive never heard of a grade 8 either.. the highest ive seen is 6 and thats from the better college bands..

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                              7. by YanagisawA-901
                                (312 posts)

                                19 years ago

                                Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

                                sax mom: dont really know what your talking about, nor do i care.. did i ask for critism's on my character?? no.. did i say "hey i dont really like ur band.. anyone who disagrees with my views can take a stab at my character".. no, so that leaves no room for your comments.. i dont care if u have "seniority" or not.. yani dude: we do play for the enjoyment.. we have one of the best music programs on the east coast, i dont care what anyone says.. we go to adjudication to beat ourselves.. noone else.. we dont go in competition with other bands, other than last year.. we go, to continue our streak of superior rating .. somthin like 35 years.. last year both our concert and jazz recieved superior ratings, as well as the best sax section award, best trombone section, and best rythm.. and no were not in a small band.. its a regulation big band style group.. 5 saxes, 5 bones, 5 trumpets and a rhythm section consisting of piano, bass, drum and toys.. we only have about 6 charts a year not because our band is sub par.. its because we take great pride in making every song the best it can be.. we are all musicians.. not, a highschool band.. i get disgusted when someone compares me to some highschool band.. were not.. we dont just throw together 30 songs to be able to play them and put on a "entertaining" show to people who dont know anything about music.. we play the music to inspire minds.. to make people cry.. for the standing ovations in the middle of a selection.. that is why we play.. and ive never heard of a grade 8 either.. the highest ive seen is 6 and thats from the better college bands..

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                              8. by mattdude
                                (74 posts)

                                19 years ago

                                Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

                                i'd like to hear a recording of you guys, because personally i think you're full of shit. we play 15 or 16 new charts every concert, and we are like... one of VERY few high school bands that can do that. in one year we'll learn 40 songs and play them all well.... plus, the recording wasn't fabulous. if you were in person you'd be blown away at the energy we exude. yes, you might be able to play a song a little better than we can over the course of the year, but we'll learn 5 times as many charts as you do throughout the year, which personally is far more impressive. that was transcribed with a little bit of my personalization added... what do you play?

                                Reply To Post

                              9. by mattdude
                                (74 posts)

                                19 years ago

                                Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

                                ah, forgot you said what you played by the time i was finished typing..

                                Reply To Post

                              10. by YanagisawA-901
                                (312 posts)

                                19 years ago

                                Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

                                ill be sending you an e mail with a few attatchments.. that is our schools band.. they had extra money in 96 and 98 so they recorded 2 cd's.. since then we havnt had money due to other purchases.. but we live up to thier standard every year.. if not exeed it..

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                              11. by YanagisawA-901
                                (312 posts)

                                19 years ago

                                Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

                                scratch the email.. im gettin a host so i can post up a link for you guys

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                              12. by YanagisawA-901
                                (312 posts)

                                19 years ago

                                Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

                       Time For A Change.m4a.html just one of em

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                              13. by YanagisawA-901
                                (312 posts)

                                19 years ago

                              14. by bariguy
                                (25 posts)

                                19 years ago

                                Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

                                Just wondering...that last link you have there is Samantha right?

                                Reply To Post AIM

                              15. by YanagisawA-901
                                (312 posts)

                                19 years ago

                                Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?


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                              16. by Imarif
                                (7 posts)

                                19 years ago

                                Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

                                - The First Circle - Metheny - Conga - In The Mood - In Her Family - Metheny - Green Onions - Perdido - Afterburner - Caravan - Engine Number 9 - Buncha others I can't remember.

                                Reply To Post

                              17. by barimachine
                                (323 posts)

                                19 years ago

                                Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

                                while im glad that everybody is in such "perfect" bands i think this is getting kind of trivial you are still in highschool the school sponsers the band you are a high school band bar none you are a high school band and still in high school at that so lets all try and get a long and just respect that as in a high school some very good players may be slowed down by the there bands and try and respect the people here as opposed to going nuts over how many charts we play and all that although i do like the sound clips

                                Reply To Post

                              18. by jazzina
                                (18 posts)

                                19 years ago

                                Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

                                Okay... I have a question. Since our jazz band haz been dead for three years and now is restarting, what would be some crowd standing/standing ovation pieces for christmas. (i'd really appreciate any tips/ advice on playing these pieces to since some altos in my section have a HUGE ego problem and believe that the way their playing is wrong but perfect in their minds how could i fix this. u see... they play second alto and i definity know they a dying to have a first piece of music but the blat like *~@@ and say i "disrespectful" they wanna quit and things like that, did i mention the one punches walls, cheats on his homework, throws band stands, and calls girls inappropiate names, i need some advice on what to do with them... i am near the breaking point) keep that in mind please!!!

                                Reply To Post

                              19. by YanagisawA-901
                                (312 posts)

                                19 years ago

                                Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

                                2 songs that we have played in the past are: Christmas Visions Russian Christmas Music both of those songs are exxceeellleennnttt tunes.. grade 4 or 5.. real crowd pleasers.. id go for either one of those if ur jazz band is up to the challenge..if u pull it off it will earn a standing O...

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                              20. by randomchowder
                                (1 post)

                                19 years ago

                                Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

                                d00d- russian christmas music is a concert band song

                                Reply To Post

                              21. by YanagisawA-901
                                (312 posts)

                                19 years ago

                                Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

                                yea ur right.. i get confused sometimes we played them in the same program in the past i think.. concert band and jazz back to back.. i personally never did tho

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                              22. by OklahomanSax
                                (18 posts)

                                19 years ago

                                Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

                                reading all this really pises me off. i don't even get to start my jazz band til' 2nd semester. well last year, we had Mr. brown, kick ass director, but he retired. we played, rompin at the reno, god i hated soling on that. john browns other body, kick ass song. body and soul, damn, what can i say. and of course, the infamous cherokee. damn i love that song, but i can't remember that damn sax soli anymore. oh well, this year we got a new guy and i have no idea what the hell were gonna do. hope its good.

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                              23. by Cracker56
                                (3 posts)

                                19 years ago

                                Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

                                Were playing Aftershock, La Noche, The Chicken, Crablegs, Gimme Some Lovin, In the Midnight Hour, and some others that I can't remember.

                                Reply To Post

                              24. by minderbender7
                                (4 posts)

                                19 years ago

                                Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

                                I also had the "privilege" (OklahomanSax) of soloing over Rompin' at the Reno last year... our band also played -Pegasus -Jazz Police -Samba de Rollins -Weekend in Monaco (a yearly staple for our band for some reason) a bunch of others too (almost our whole rep.) for this annual local thing called the June Fete

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                              25. by minderbender7
                                (4 posts)

                                19 years ago

                                Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

                                oh yeah i almost forgot, we are gonna do Donna Lee this year...I CANT WAIT!

                                Reply To Post AIM

                              26. by MavisDavis
                                (21 posts)

                                19 years ago

                                Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

                                our jazz ensemble is doing a whole lotta songs... -Groovin' Hard -Stapes -Things Ain't the Way they Used to Be -Jazz -It Ain't Necessarily So -Madrid -Muy Caliente -Limehouse Blues -A Little Minor Booze and several others...

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                              27. by tenor562
                                (297 posts)

                                19 years ago

                                Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

                                Impressions Blues in Hoss Flat Sugar Rum Cherry Latin American Sunshine Stompy Jones Jack the Bear Idiom 59 Pt 2

                                Reply To Post

                              28. by kelsey
                                (930 posts)

                                19 years ago

                                Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

                                After readng the comments on this link I remember why I gave up High School Band Directing. Jazz band is not a football team, instead of competition and trying to win something you should be trying to play Jazz. I know that some people can only understand trying to be the best as a team but Jazz is about being the best individual player you can be. Going to contest ruins the learning of Jazz. You work all year on just a few numbers instead of playing the most music you can and not really learn how to play solos. If contest are your thing do it in Marching Band and not Jazz Band...Kelsey
                                Barry Kelsey

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                              29. by kelsey
                                (930 posts)

                                19 years ago

                                Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

                                Sorry, after reading my own post I realize that it is a bit harsh. The High Schools should keep turning out players of Jazz. There are so many opportunities for them in the professional field. The World needs all the big band players in can train for the future......Ha!
                                Barry Kelsey

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                              30. by jacobeid
                                (24 posts)

                                19 years ago

                                Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

                                Uh for our concert and opening for CJO we are playing Basie Straight Ahead Satin Doll Speak Low Alright, Okay, You win Ran Kan Kan Sing Sing Sing Stompin' at the Savoy The woogie Always and Forever probably others I'm just forgetting to mention. For basketball games we play the standards Eye of Tiger Vehicle Big Mama Cass Swing Fever Peter Gunn school songs I know for the next concert we are playing April in Paris and Corner Pocket..idk what else though.

                                Reply To Post

                              31. by ebalbed
                                (2 posts)

                                19 years ago

                                Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

                                i go to einstein in kensington, maryland and were playin some cool tunes this year: joy of cookin night of the capricorn moon a night in havana home cookin cherokee bluesette fly me to the moon sing sing sing on green dolphin street 500 miles high april in paris in the wee small hours of the morning ive got you under my skin hot hot hot and a really good original piece our bass player wrote called "Everything You Said to Me"

                                Reply To Post

                              32. by ebalbed
                                (2 posts)

                                19 years ago

                                Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

                                oh yeah and caravan moose the mooch

                                Reply To Post

                              33. by moonpioneer
                                (17 posts)

                                19 years ago

                                Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

                                next time you guys post what yer playing it would be nice to know at wich level and where your band is from.. such as the bands from texas and stuff are going to be at a highr leven then any of the bands in would be nice tho .. my senior jazz is playing Milestones Fowl play Superstition well you neednt always and for ever feista bahia blue rondo al la turk my band is from red deer alberta canada and we range from gr 10 -12..most of our player start at gr 7

                                Reply To Post

                              34. by OklahomanSax
                                (18 posts)

                                19 years ago

                                Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

                                I'm really worried about state this year. My jazz band sucks compared to last year. but then again, most jazz bands in oklahoma suck compared to our's last year. we're playing it's a pitty dreamsville slow hot wind jeanine (not as bad as cherokee) None of the bands in oklahoma are near the level at there were last year. so i think we might be ok if we have a kick ass day and everyone else screws up royally. and our band is composed of 9-12 graders all of which have played since fifth grade.

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                              35. by Grubsax
                                (11 posts)

                                18 years ago

                                Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

                                Recently we just finsihed -Harlem Nocturne -Blue Monk -Little Rock -Nostalgia In Times Square -Such Sweet Thunder -Scrapple To the Apple Oh damn it, I am seriously dieing to play Summertime, such a good song...

                                Reply To Post AIM

                              36. by straightj23
                                (103 posts)

                                18 years ago

                                Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

                                We just finished: -25 or 6 to 4 (Chicago) -Pick up the Pieces (AWB) -Chameleon (Herbie Hancock) -Various christmas songs Don't know what we're playing next yet.

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                              37. by kaplac
                                (6 posts)

                                18 years ago

                                Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

                                Right now were working a couple songs. Cruisin' for a bluesin' licked clean remembrance katy Blue rondo a la turk the swingin' shepherd blues I really like cruisin for a blusin and licked clean at the moment, I highly recommend tryign to get your band teacher to play them.

                                Reply To Post

                              38. by bigred
                                (43 posts)

                                18 years ago

                                Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

                                right now we are working on La Almeja Pequena (the litte Clam) Cruesin for a Bluesin Strike up the Band tryin to get ready for Berklee Jazz Fest

                                Reply To Post

                              39. by bigred
                                (43 posts)

                                18 years ago

                                Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

                                right now we are working on La Almeja Pequena (the litte Clam) Cruesin for a Bluesin Strike up the Band tryin to get ready for Berklee Jazz Fest

                                Reply To Post

                              40. by BVP123
                                (9 posts)

                                18 years ago

                                Re: What Does your Jazz Band Play?

                                Hey have any of you guys heard of the highschool band Folsom High School from Folsom Califfornia. They won Downbeat magazine's best highschool band in the COUNTRY! If you have any info on there band members or what they played i would like to know Peace...Rudy

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