Saxophone Forum

by YanagisawA-901
(312 posts)
19 years ago

This might be for the older guys..

Ok, im a junior in highschool and even though my skill level isnt nearly where it should be, or needs to be, im startn to wonder: what schools have good jazz programs? as in like a major..what majors can you persue in music? and what can you get out of a music major?? i dont care where you live, lemme know some school that offer good music programs, and shed any light you can on what a music major is all about and what your skill level needs to be entering college in that major.. help me out guys, i need to start thinkn bout this stuff.

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  1. by definition
    (963 posts)

    19 years ago

    Re: This might be for the older guys..

    Ohio State is a great program! The profs are great and they really want you to do your best. be careful, the music school is highly competitive; only 125 new people make i in every year. (not just fer sax, but every horn)

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