Saxophone Forum

by Face
(11 posts)
20 years ago

T. Sax rep

What do you see as the "necessary" pieces that a classical Tenor play should know? Not the ones that might be held in any sort of wide belief - these can be breaks from the "norm" (as it were). What should we definitely have?

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  1. by sax_maniac
    (984 posts)

    20 years ago

    Re: T. Sax rep

    As tenor saxophone is sort of an anomaly when it comes to classical music, I've not heard of any "gotta know" pieces. There are recommendations in Larry Teal's "Art of Playing Saxophone". Every player should have that book nearby anyhow, if you don't happen to have it already. I've transcribed accompaniment for various alto saxophone solo pieces so they can be played on tenor, and they've worked out quite well. Claire de Lune, The Old Castle, Apres Un Reve. Some of the slower, morose pieces for alto sound great on tenor with the right accompaniment.

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    1. by PsuSax
      (25 posts)

      20 years ago

      Re: T. Sax rep

      Morton Gould - Diversion for Tenor Sax and Band Villa-Lobos - Fantasia Alec Wilder - Concerto for Tenor Sax and Orchestra William Schmitt - Sonatina Walter Hartley - Concertino Richard Rodney Bennett - Concerto for Stan Getz William Duckworth - Pitt County Excursions Christian Lauba - Etudes These are the only pieces that you will find performed today that were actually written for Tenor Saxophone. Most other literature for the tenor, like the baritone, are transcribed from other instruments. There are a couple of smaller sonatas and other works but they are not of the same high quality music that these peices are. =Walker=

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      1. by Face
        (11 posts)

        20 years ago

        Re: T. Sax rep

        Left at least one out that I think should be with those... Sherwood Schaffer - Sonata: Mountain's Rising And Hartley's "Poem" is pretty good as well, though short.

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        1. by PsuSax
          (25 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: T. Sax rep

          Once again sorry about forgetting one piece. I gave the list of tenor repertoire that I know about and think to be worth performing. I would appreciate it if you stop trying to call people on things and just appreciate that other people want to talk about it. This is the second time you have done this to me and I find it very disrespectful. I apologize if this seems rude but I am frustrated.

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        2. by Face
          (11 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: T. Sax rep

          Apologies if it seems this way, not my intent. I was mentioning another one that I felt was worth putting in with what you had said. In both cases. For all I know, you either didn't know the piece or didn't like the piece (or Houlik's style, as in the previous discussion). So am I supposed to be psychic? How do I know your experiences or interests? I assumed you didn't know "Mountains Rising..." which I think is an incredible piece (same with "Poem") mentioned it in hopes that it would get more recognition. I sort of expected others to contribute to this, not just you, so I didn't think there was any harm in adding to this. I'm sorry, I apparrently was wrong. Any disrespect is not in my intent.

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        3. by phathorn
          (165 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: T. Sax rep

          The Upward Stream - Russell Peck is a fantastic piece for tenor.

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        4. by Face
          (11 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: T. Sax rep

          Yes, indeed! I forgot about that one as well, it is quite good.

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        5. by jromain
          (20 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: T. Sax rep

          Robert Ward-Concerto Lauba-Hard Lauba-Hard too Hard Jacob ter Veldhuis-Grab It! Mahilovici-Chant Premier (see Londeix essay in Roncorp book) See Londeix's 150 Years of Saxophone Music (Roncorp) for much more complete listing of original music for tenor saxophone.

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