Saxophone Forum

by aaronsantee
(6 posts)
20 years ago

Just a note - I'm now Cancer Free!

Hi guys, PRAISE Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!! I just got a phone call from my doctor and she told me that all the cancer in my left shoulder area is now completely gone. All marigins are clear from the tissue removed Wendesday and Monday. No Kemotherapy or Radiation is required as of this time. Your prayers worked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Satan's butt has been kicked in the name of Jesus Christ! I go in tomorrow for surgery one last time, to have the wound on my shoulder stitched up. Not sure if they'll be using skin from my leg, or if they'll be pulling the area shut and stitching it up. I had my mom take a photo of the wound today as the nurse changed the dressing (bandages) - which was actually supposed to be a special "Non-stick" bandage, but they used the wrong stuff Monday evening, so it kinda stuck to the wound and hurt a bit, but I'm ok now. The wound must look different than I originally thought, slightly wider I think. I thought it was around 7" x 3", but I guess it's closer to 6" x 4". I already went through having about a quarter-sized area removed a month ago and they pulled it closed, which is very, VERY tight in the collar bone area. By the way, they don't believe the cancer spread to my tissue or bone. They took off a layer of muscle from my left collar area and there was no cancer there... and they took off a sample of the membrane off my collar bone (covering my collar bone) and didn't see any cancer on that either. So it appears that the caner's 99.9% gone!!! I still need your prayers that I do well in surgery tomorrow and that this all heals well and doesn't get infected, and that they don't find any other areas of cancer on my body when they do a very thoural check later this year, early next year and the years to come. To my knowledge, all tumors have been removed :) Thanks again so much guys for your kind prayers! God Bless, Aaron >

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  1. by sgt17594
    (31 posts)

    20 years ago

    Re: Just a note - I'm now Cancer Free!

    Congratulation !!!..... What's up with sax ?!=,==,==,= SGT17594

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  2. by connsaxman_jim
    (2336 posts)

    20 years ago

    Re: Just a note - I'm now Cancer Free!

    Hi Aaron, That's certainly wonderful news! I'm rally glad to hear that. Thanks for letting us know, and we'll all keep you in our thoughts and prayers I'm sure. Keep up your faith and be strong! Have a wonderful Holiday and God Bless! Jim

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