Saxophone Forum

by rednecksax
(24 posts)
20 years ago


I know that the best ligature is the one which works for you, but I'm just interested in what ligatures other, more experienced players are using to guide me in which ligatures to try.

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  1. by Bibimbop
    (53 posts)

    20 years ago

    Re: ligatures

    Tons of players use Bay Ligatures: Sinta, Lulloff, Forger, McAllister, Taimur Sullivan, Cliff Leamon, Miles Osland.... and the list goes on. The thing you have to be careful of is that they are extremely fragile! They can break and bend on you in a second. Other ligs that I've seen players use; Vandoren Optimum, Francois Louis "Ultimate" ligature, and the Eddie Daniels Rovner. Vandoren also just came out with a leather ligature. Design is very similiar to a Rovner, but there is a contact plate at the it's leather, not a cheap plastic. Happy Ligature Hunting!

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    1. by selmerfan
      (67 posts)

      20 years ago

      Re: ligatures

      I've tried a lot of them, including the fabric and leather ligatures, and keep coming back to Selmer Paris brass ligatures, the ones that come with any hard rubber Selmer mouthpiece. The Bay ligatures a little pricier, but also an excellent choice, they can really free up a player's sound.

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      1. by selmer 4evr
        (309 posts)

        20 years ago

        Re: ligatures

        Try a Bonade it is inexpensive and incredible ,,,,,I prefer the bottom screw model the inverted model pull the rails outward not so good.

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