Saxophone Forum

by azn_seagull02
(26 posts)
20 years ago

I need to know about Buescher True Tones

hi i was wondering about buying my second true tone on ebay and i've been seeing quite a couple laquered looking true tones with the 1920s serials numbers and everything. i saw another one that said it was gold plated and has a satin look to it. i was wondering if there are laquered true tones from the 1920s to whenever they stopped making them. i thought they didnt make any in laquer but i want to make sure. if anyone knows about this plz reply! thank!!

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  1. by definition
    (963 posts)

    20 years ago

    Re: I need to know about Buescher True Tones

    There are two likely possibilities here I think. 1) They are relaqued at some point later in liife, though highly unlikely 2) They are being sold by someone on Ebay who is ignorant to what exactly they have. I hope your search for a Tru Tone goes well, those are great horns!

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    1. by azn_seagull02
      (26 posts)

      20 years ago

      Re: I need to know about Buescher True Tones

      thanks. so im guessing there are no factory laquered true tones. if not plz reply and i guess ill probably buying one. thanks!!

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      1. by definition
        (963 posts)

        20 years ago

        Re: I need to know about Buescher True Tones

        There are absolutely no factory laquered tru tones!

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        1. by eman19
          (131 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: I need to know about Buescher True Tones

          Check out Sax on the web, they have an old add for a 20's. Not laquered, but they did have a bare brass one that would have probably been laquered by someone in the last 80 years

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        2. by connsaxman_jim
          (2336 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: I need to know about Buescher True Tones

          I would say that most likely the finish was bare brass that was later lacquered. I've sen some earlier Conn horns that were lacquered that "shouldn't have been" according to the time they were made, but the lacquer DID look to be original. I believe King was one of the first manufacturers to offer a lacquered finish even as early as the late 1920's or very early 1930's. I've seen Conns as early as 1932 that were lacquered. I suppose it is likely that the horn was an experimental lacquered finish if it's one of the later true tones; I mean VERY late. Pretty unlikely though.

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        3. by johnsonfromwisconsin
          (767 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: I need to know about Buescher True Tones

          I understand the same thing as Jim. Truetones had three factory finishes in order of being most common: Bare brass, Silver plate, gold plate or burnish. It is theoretically possible that there indeed were some factory laquered truetones. Custom requests and undocumented experiments were not uncommon for the time from what I understand. Yet, also from what I understand about laquers of the time was that they didn't last all that long. The chance of a rare factory laquer lasting 80 years is on the verge of impossibility.

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        4. by ekembright
          (1 post)

          20 years ago

          Re: I need to know about Buescher True Tones

          pls i may be wrong in this web ,but i just need is tones/rhythms that i can use to compose musics that i have written down for long .I will be very gratefull if u can help me with this tones .thanks

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        5. by definition
          (963 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: I need to know about Buescher True Tones

          Not sure I understand your question my freind...

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        6. by connsaxman_jim
          (2336 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: I need to know about Buescher True Tones

          i would suggest that you ask around and find a keyboard player who can help you record some background music to play along with. You may yourself want to consider buying a mid-grade Yamaha keyboard like the DGX-300. This is a 76 key keyboard with some really nice sounds, rhythems and pre-recorded styles. They sell for less than $500, and sometimes Musician's Friend puts them on sale for around $400.

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