Saxophone Forum

by azn_seagull02
(26 posts)
20 years ago

Buescher True Tone New Case

hi i have a true tone and i need a new case for it. if anyone knows a place where i can get cases that will fit a 1925 true tone plz reply! thanks!!

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  1. by definition
    (963 posts)

    20 years ago

    Re: Buescher True Tone New Case

    The tru tone will fit a protec case

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    1. by azn_seagull02
      (26 posts)

      20 years ago

      Re: Buescher True Tone New Case

      do you know where i can get one? do you know if they have hardshell cases?

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      1. by definition
        (963 posts)

        20 years ago

        Re: Buescher True Tone New Case

        protecs are hard cases, they just have the heavy duty nylon protective later on the outside. has them for a good price

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        1. by connsaxman_jim
          (2336 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: Buescher True Tone New Case

          All the protec cases I've ever seen are not hard cases. I wouldn't put a vintage horn in a soft case; especially when you can buy an SKB cheaper! I have an SKB rectangular case for my 10M. It's a strong, well built case lined with a plush lining. The rectangular cases also have a fairly large compartment to store accessories. In my 10M case, I have hmmm let me look here... 4 mouthpieces, all with ligatures, a reed trimmer, cork grease, a small bottle of valve oil, a LaVoz 4 reed holder, a Shure Beta microphone, a neotech strap, a swab, a small plastic case with Dutch rush, an extra tenon plug, some folded up tab charts, about a dozen business cards from musicians I've played with, receipts for repairs, and last but not least... a small zip lock bag with some cough drops!'s pretty well packed! I come prepared!

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        2. by sax_maniac
          (984 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: Buescher True Tone New Case

          The ProTec case that is very protective (even though it looks like a gig bag) is the contoured case. DO NOT GET THE RECTANGULAR ONE! I bought one of those as it was cheaper, and I'm rather disappointed in it. It's huge and bulky on account of tons of padding, but it does not have hard sides. Lots of storage on the inside, though. I keep my C-Mel in the rectangular one - putting the tenor I care about most in the ProTec contoured case. The ultimate case is the Walt Johnson, but those are pricey and don't offer much storage. Gotta buy a neck bag, and you'll want a case cover for it before long to hold your accessories.

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        3. by connsaxman_jim
          (2336 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: Buescher True Tone New Case

          ProTec cases are junk! WHY would you buy an inferior case that doesn't offer as much protection, doesn't have enough room for your gear....a neck bag??? WHATL SHOULD YOU NEED A NECK BAG FOR!!! The neck should ALWAYS be with the sax! Why on earth would you put a valuable older horn in anything less than a hardshell case! WHY WHY WHY!!! especially when some of these cases cost much more than you would spend for a hard plastic case!

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        4. by sax_maniac
          (984 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: Buescher True Tone New Case

          ProTec rectangular cases ARE junk, but the contoured ProPac's are great - the best for the money. Made with plywood and a nylon outer. My SBA and 10M's have fit in them perfectly and I was never concerned for their well-being. They do have a dedicated place for the neck and a mouthpiece. It's the Walt Johnson cases that require a neck bag (for storage in the bell). The WJ's are incredible, but also expensive. Handmade using fiberglass and kevlar - not plastic. I've heard there's issues with the WJ bari sax model as the sides can cave in and pop back out if the Samsonite gorilla or an American-hating baggage handler gets a hold of it. No apparent damage to the outside, but the horn gets damaged. That would suck big-time. The Walt Johnsons are ideal for someone who has space issues. Very compact and efficient. The ProTec contoured ProPac is the best bang for the buck, though. Good point that the cost of the case is nothing compared to the cost of a repair - like everything SAX, it all depends on an individual's needs and pocketbook.

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        5. by definition
          (963 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: Buescher True Tone New Case

          I did mean the contoured cases in my origional reply, sorry I should have clarified that. Jim, go and get a look at the new Protec contoured cases, you will be impressed I think

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        6. by azn_seagull02
          (26 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: Buescher True Tone New Case

          thanks. does the skb hardshell cases fit true tones?

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        7. by eman19
          (131 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: Buescher True Tone New Case

          I would suppose it would. I have a 1927 True Tone tenor, and It resides in a pro tec case. It is a hard shell case, and is actually stronger than then the skb cases (So I've heard from a couple of different people where I live, including a guy that works on horns and flutes for people like Sanborn, Brignola and Jethro Tull). I personally like it, but again the stipulation of buying the contoured case versus rectangular case must be made. Hope that helps.

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        8. by azn_seagull02
          (26 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: Buescher True Tone New Case

          would this case be good for my true tone? i was also wondering if anyone has and thinks its good because from the reviews i read, its better to get a protec and how are these two other ones?

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        9. by connsaxman_jim
          (2336 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: Buescher True Tone New Case

          The first case is the same case I have for my Conn 10M. It should fit your True Tone just fine. That is the case I would recommend.

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        10. by azn_seagull02
          (26 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: Buescher True Tone New Case

          Thanks! ill try and get that

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        11. by connsaxman_jim
          (2336 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: Buescher True Tone New Case

          I looked at ProTec's website and their entire product line. I'm not impressed with any of them. The Walt Johnson cases are better as far as protection, but there's no room in them. Some of the gator cases look pretty nice, but I still like the SKB the best. It's a good design. It's built to last; solid construction andhas a lifetime warrenty. It offers the most amount of protection for the money.

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        12. by azn_seagull02
          (26 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: Buescher True Tone New Case

          thanks for all that information and to everyone else who helped too. its really helping see what products are the best and what to watch out for. thanks!!

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        13. by Dave_truetone_UK
          (1 post)

          20 years ago

          Re: Buescher True Tone New Case

          I own a 1927 Buescher True Tone Tenor (lovely!) and have just bought a hard shell 'LiteFlite' Hiscox case (which most people seem to refer to as the Pro Tenor Case). It isn't rectangular i.e. curved and smaller, it has enough space for two mouth pieces, clip-on mike and cable, and tuner. It looks and feels good, fits the BTT tenor perfectly and survived being in the hold on an internal UK flight (although I wouldn't ever check it in again it took some big hits - but the sax was fine except for the cork on the high D side key fell off which probably says more about the need for an overhaul than the case). Dave

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