Saxophone Forum

by xfleming
(4 posts)
9 years ago

Elkhart Bari

Can anyone educate me here? (See pictures) 

Not sure what I have.  It was handed down to me  All I can really decipher on the bell engraving is: Made by ... Elkhart, IND.  

Not certain if it is an old Buescher.


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  1. by JonHuff
    (122 posts)

    9 years ago

    Re: Elkhart Bari

    It's a C.G. Conn bari sax, and a very old one at that. The serial number looks like 19038 which dates the horn to around 1911. Lacquer was not an option at the time, so the lacquer was added later. These are cool horns for their historical perspective, unfortunately not very valuable as the keywork is a bit antiquated. Usually just die hard collectors are looking for them.

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    1. by xfleming
      (4 posts)

      9 years ago

      Re: Elkhart Bari

      Thanks!  I did notice that the keys are set really oddly. 


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