Saxophone Forum

by SaxMan88
(318 posts)
20 years ago

Selmer S-80 Mouthpiece

Looking to pick up a new mouthpiece for my alto. The plastic one that came with it is starting to lose it's touch. So I was looking at this. But there's so many chamber sizes. But I've heard the standard size is C*. What's your fellas opinion on this? Thanx!

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  1. by tenor562
    (297 posts)

    20 years ago

    Re: Selmer S-80 Mouthpiece

    It's basically what works for you. A lot of band directors use the S-80 C star in their band sections because it tends to work well for most people. However, although it works well for most people, another facing or piece might work much better. You just have to try stuff out. I play a Larry Teal, which is a B*. Go to a music store with a large selection and take your time trying mouthpieces out against a tuner. See what works for you.

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    1. by silversax440
      (29 posts)

      20 years ago

      Re: Selmer S-80 Mouthpiece

      Just for clarity, the S-80 has a square chamber and the Larry Teal has a round chamber. The B* would mean a smaller tip opening than a C*. I definitely couldn't choose one. The LT is very nice for blending and intonation, but may be hard for you to play as a soloist. The S-80, I feel, is better for solo opportunities... but of course, if you have the opportunity try the Rousseau line of mouthpieces, they work very well.

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      1. by definition
        (963 posts)

        20 years ago

        Re: Selmer S-80 Mouthpiece

        thank you silversax, you beat me to the correction. I suggest you try the Rousseaus also, along with a Morgan, or a Hite mouthpiece. Selmers are also very good, but I would suggest trying something a little larger tip size, like a D or an E

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        1. by SaxMan88
          (318 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: Selmer S-80 Mouthpiece

          Talked with the band director about it a little more. Does WWBW have the deal where you can purchase three different mouthpieces, try them out, then send back the two you don't like and get the difference?

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        2. by definition
          (963 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: Selmer S-80 Mouthpiece

          Yes that is WWBW, and you get them for 45 days, starting from the day they are shipped

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      2. by selmerfan
        (67 posts)

        20 years ago

        Re: Selmer S-80 Mouthpiece

        I personally would highly recommend the S-80 C*, I have all of my private students at least try one, although the other suggestion that have been mentioned are good also, it's just my personal preference. Whatever YOU get the best sound on counts. Also remember that even though a mouthpiece maybe the same model and same facing, two different mouthpieces can play very differently. i.e., if you order three C* mouthpieces, they will all play a little differently, you have to choose the one that plays best for YOU and that YOU sound the best on. I get frustrated when I hear private teachers or student saying, " My teacher picked out my mouthpiece for me, it was the best one he could find and it played great for him." In this case that mouthpiece played well for the teacher, but it might not be ideal for the student, good, yes, but not ideal. Pick your own out with some help, and maybe ask opinions for which one sounds the best to an objective listener, then keep trying them until you find just the right one. It can be a lengthy process, but a very productive one.

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        1. by connsaxman_jim
          (2336 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: Selmer S-80 Mouthpiece

          I especially like the S-80 C* for alto. It's just a great all-around mouthpiece. Good for just about anything. They're a little expensive but well worth it.

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