Saxophone Forum

by Maumau
(2 posts)
9 years ago

Identifying Old Sax

I don't have a lot of experience with saxophones, but I wanted to find out a little more about an old alto saxophone that belonged to my great-grandfather. After some research, (if I'm not mistaken) I finded out that it was built around 1890 and its brand is "Evette-Schaeffer". Also, a friend of mine told me it had a "double octave key". I play clarinet, piano and other instruments, simply not saxophone, so you can use musical jargon :)

Does anybody could give me a few infos about it?

Here are some photos of  it.

Any help would be appreciate. If it helps, my great-grandfather lived all his life in the province of Quebec, Canada.
Thanks !

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  1. by GFC
    (842 posts)

    9 years ago

    Re: Identifying Old Sax

    Evette-Schaeffer was a brand the Buffet company used to put on its saxophones.  The museum section of this site has a history of the Buffet company.

    The early Evette-Schaeffers have more value as historical curiosities than as musical instruments.   

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