Saxophone Forum

by newby
(2 posts)
20 years ago

saprano sax

I am in the market for a professiional line saprano. I am looking at the yamaha custom Y-875 and the yanigasawa 9930 and the 991. Is there any other manufacturers I should be looking at and is there much difference between the two yanis. Any advice is appreciated.

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  1. by saxbob
    (13 posts)

    20 years ago

    Re: saprano sax

    I play tenor sax and soprano sax. My soprano is an Antigua Winds and is a carbon copy of the Yani S-901 at a price significantly lower than the Yani. I bought it new 2 years ago and have had absolutely no problems with it. They also make one that is a copy of the S-991 if you think you need the interchangeable necks. The instrument was made in Taiwan - not China. It is a fine instrument. In my opinion, if you are entertaining buying a Yani, then you owe it to yourself to consider buying a new Antigua.

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