Saxophone Forum

by rexy
(1 post)
9 years ago

karl meyer tenor sax

Hi all, does anyone know know where i can actually find any information on my karl meyer tenor saxophone serial number is 0300 !! I searched the web but theres no definate information on when it was made or where it was made or by who ,its bizzarre theres no history on the web .please help ,thank you ,alex.

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  1. by GFC
    (842 posts)

    9 years ago

    Re: karl meyer tenor sax

    "Karl Meyer" is in all likelihood a merchandiser's brand put on a horn made by someone else, otherwise known as a "stencil" horn.  Figuring out who made such horns usually requires a lot of detailed photos from different angles.  But the most important thing is how it plays.

    Update:  Turns out "Karl Meyer" was a stencil brand sold by Selmer stores back in the day.   

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