Saxophone Forum

by easom
(11 posts)
9 years ago

Conn American 24M Alto Sax, Serial # 004967

I have a Conn 24M that is in great condition, and has just had the pads and cork redone. It says Conn American and Its serial # is 004967.    I dont seem to have figured the conn serial # thing.  Since the first two numbers are 00 is the serial #4967?  I am hoping to find out the year it was made, How many were made like it, Where it was made, and its value.  

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  1. by historicsaxwhisperer
    (644 posts)

    9 years ago

    Re: Conn American 24M Alto Sax, Serial # 004967

    I believe these were made in the 1980s and are made by selmerusa/conn. As selmer has purchased what was left of Conn at this point. The cases are a bit larger and I have used them in the past to convert to fit 1920s Conn C melody. Considered a student horn by those that like to classify horns

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    1. by easom
      (11 posts)

      9 years ago

      Re: Conn American 24M Alto Sax, Serial # 004967

      Thanks for your help.  Why is the serial # so strange.  It doesnt seem to fit into the conn serial system.  What is a fair price to ask for it,  I own a king, and a yamaha, and a selmer bundy II but have no knowledge of these conn horns

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      1. by GFC
        (842 posts)

        9 years ago

        Re: Conn American 24M Alto Sax, Serial # 004967

        The serial number scheme changed when the ownership changed, which happened three times between 1980 and the present.  It could be under the scheme of the 1980-86 ownership, the UMI ownership, or the Conn-Selmer ownership.  In any event, details on that horn are crude and the brand from those eras does not have a good reputation, i.e. very little value.

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