Saxophone Forum

by EricK928
(1 post)
9 years ago

1945-1946 Martin Saxophone

I work in a music shop in the poconos and a man came by to drop off a Martin tenor saxophone made in Elkhart Indiana. I was wondering if anyone could help me price it and possibly give me some hisotry about the instrument and the company? Any info is much appreciated and greatly needed. 

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  1. by saxgourmet
    (127 posts)

    9 years ago

    Re: 1945-1946 Martin Saxophone

    be SURE to read the preface and adjust the value for condition

    New Orleans

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  2. by GFC
    (842 posts)

    9 years ago

    Re: 1945-1946 Martin Saxophone

    It's a relacqquer, so the price is going to take a hit. 

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