Saxophone Forum

by A1Bull
(1 post)
8 years ago

Advice on improving, Auditions or anything you'd think would help

Hey! I'm a sophomore in High School and rising junior. Ive been playing Bari since 7th grade (so about 4 years) Before bari I played Bass Clarinet and Clarinet, I still play both and I've added a lot of different instruments to my collection including Alto Sax, Contra Alto Clarinet,  Contra Bass Clarinet and I'm currently on the hunt for a Basson teacher. Although I consider myself proficient in all of those,  my primary instrument of choice is Bari. I love it. Because of my love and passion for music I want to pursue music education in college. Because of this I deeply want to improve as a musician and I decided I want to go all out on Saxophone and my family is purchasing a Bari, a Brute Cannonball Big Bell infact (that's a mouth full) my favorite things in band are marching and jazz band, playing bari in marching band is truly an amazing experience,  especially listening to it and how the horn cuts through the sound like a butter knife.  Jazz is amazing and I'm currently in an ensemble called the Hickory Music Factory big band where we play classic jazz, its something I'm so grateful to be in an be apart of such a talented group of musicians who are significantly better than me. With all of that, these past few years have been rough in Band and I'm struggling to keep my spirits up and retain my love of music.  

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