Saxophone Forum

by kitnachi
(41 posts)
20 years ago

Baris and chord changes

I want to get my hands on a Jazz Bari solo piece (only me playing) for my solo ensemble contest next year, does anybody have any recomondations? I also would like to know if anybody knows a good place to learn chord changes.

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  1. by definition
    (963 posts)

    20 years ago

    Re: Baris and chord changes

    Cant think of a good Jazz bari solo, but to learn your chord changes, get the book "Around the Horn" by Walt Weiskoph. That book will kick your ass all over every page.

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    1. by kitnachi
      (41 posts)

      20 years ago

      Re: Baris and chord changes

      Thanks that will help, anyother suggestions, solos for the alto might work to because it is only one octave lower..

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      1. by YanagisawA-901
        (312 posts)

        20 years ago

        Re: Baris and chord changes

        alto solos wont work. just because its an octave lower doesnt mean a thing. chords and pitches are stacked with so many subtones and whatnot. and playing somthing an octave lower with chords built for somthin an octave higher is just a breeding ground for bad chords and pitch.. buuuttt check out a song called "prelude to a kiss" later

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        1. by kitnachi
          (41 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: Baris and chord changes

          well I also play the alto, but where would I find that song??

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        2. by YanagisawA-901
          (312 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: Baris and chord changes

          noooo clue bro.. a lot of ppl say is a good place.. try there.. its a bari feature

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        3. by YanagisawA-901
          (312 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: Baris and chord changes

          noooo clue bro.. a lot of ppl say is a good place.. try there.. its a bari feature

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      2. by kitnachi
        (41 posts)

        20 years ago

        Re: Baris and chord changes

        well I don't know if that is the right thing for me though, any other suggestions?

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        1. by definition
          (963 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: Baris and chord changes

          Check out some Mulligan stuff man

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          1. by barimachine
            (323 posts)

            20 years ago

            Re: Baris and chord changes

            jazz solos sophisticated ladies body and soul most of the solo festival stuff i know is all classical i geuss we have a jazz competition too but the piece solo i do is sonata - hartley its a grade 6 (out of 6)

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            1. by sax_maniac
              (984 posts)

              20 years ago

              Re: Baris and chord changes

              I'm not sure how ballads fly at festival, but how about "My Funny Valentine". That's one of my favorites to play on bari.

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            2. by kitnachi
              (41 posts)

              20 years ago

              Re: Baris and chord changes

              well it is really hard to find stuff for baritone saxaphones which really stinks for me but thanks for the help, I still need help learning chord changes though, I want to learn how to do REAL jazz solos.

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            3. by definition
              (963 posts)

              20 years ago

              Re: Baris and chord changes

              For the solos, and jazz in general, live religiously by the Around the horn book. Also, make sure you have the charlie parker omni book, it should be like your bible, and dont be able to simply whats in it, MEMORIZE whats in it, so you can draw ideas from that at will! Lastly, Abersold's blues in all keys will prove very useful

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            4. by kitnachi
              (41 posts)

              20 years ago

              Re: Baris and chord changes

              It sounds good but it doesn't look like those books teach you chord changes how they work, does it do that?

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