Saxophone Forum

by SaxMan88
(318 posts)
19 years ago

Hard rubber jazz mouthpiece for alto

After my tenor comes in and I get some extra mula, I'm gonna get a new mouthpiece for my Armstrong Alto. Just to give it some more zest (it needs all it can get if ya get my drift). I was eyeing Meyer and Selmer. I'm looking for more of a jazz sound...I'll get metal later, but how about some hard rubber mouthpiece reccomendations? They'd be great. Thanx!

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  1. by irvkms
    (16 posts)

    15 years ago

    Re: Hard rubber jazz mouthpiece for alto

    As a non altoist who plays alto, I have had good luck with a Selmer Super Session. P.S., ever notice how half the rubber alto mpcs claim to sound like a NY Meyer 5?Can that be true?

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  2. by definition
    (963 posts)

    19 years ago

    Re: Hard rubber jazz mouthpiece for alto

    Otto Link Tone Edge Meyer Brilhart Check those out for starters

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  3. by krzykrn88
    (27 posts)

    19 years ago

    Re: Hard rubber jazz mouthpiece for alto

    try morgan excalibur. It is a rubber mouthpiece but has the edgyness that most rubber mouthpiece does not. The down side, based on my experience, the excalibur doesn't sound good with most ligatures....

    Reply To Post

    1. by Candyboy
      (77 posts)

      19 years ago

      Re: Hard rubber jazz mouthpiece for alto

      Has anyone got a suggestion for a good alto mouthpiece for me? I am a tenor player and love the Berg Larsen 110-1-M. I am looking to buy a good mouthpiece for my Pan American alto. I am considering a Berg 80-0-M, but I'm not sure how to translate the tip openings from a tenor to an alto.
      Doug Coffman

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      1. by SaxMan88
        (318 posts)

        19 years ago

        Re: Hard rubber jazz mouthpiece for alto

        Sorry, I musta not hit the checkbox for notifications. All right, the first response was great. I looked at all of them, not with this thread, just in browse and all look nice. Any more specific recommendations? I guess I might have to go to a music store and just be a pain in the rear and have the guy pull all the mouthpieces that look good and let me honk on them *laughs* Thanks and any more responses would be nice. Happy saxophoning!

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        1. by SaxMan88
          (318 posts)

          19 years ago

          Re: Hard rubber jazz mouthpiece for alto

          Alright, I might need a change in pace here. I'm thinking of getting a metal for the jazz part of the spectrum. So should I get another rubber jazz piece? Or a rubber classical piece? Wouldn't make sense to get two jazz mouthpieces. I'm thinking of getting an Otto metal for the jazz, so maybe some classical rubber piece recommendations? Sorry about that folks. Thanks!!

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        2. by krzykrn88
          (27 posts)

          16 years ago

          Re: Hard rubber jazz mouthpiece for alto

          just stick the morgan excalibur or hard rubber. I also use those for classics. as long as its bright tone, it actually plays really well as a classical mouthpiece. way better than classic s90 (welll, that was obvious). when played rough, excalibur has more power than a beechler metal with weight to it. If you really want a metal, I loved dukoff and oleg one. ligature wise for excalibur, it works with either bonade clarinet or olegature. It doesnt sound good with rovner, and morgans are too small to fit alto ligs.

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        3. by chalazon
          (547 posts)

          16 years ago

          Re: Hard rubber jazz mouthpiece for alto

          phil barone makes a great hard rubber mpc for alto..reasonably priced, and just real fine, thank you..

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      2. by afogartie
        (6 posts)

        16 years ago

        Re: Hard rubber jazz mouthpiece for alto

        Runyon...very responsive...the factory works hard with you to get it right and if you do not buy, that is okay with them

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        1. by chalazon
          (547 posts)

          15 years ago

          Re: Hard rubber jazz mouthpiece for alto

          we're replying to a thread that was first posted in '05..

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          1. by stevo
            (17 posts)

            15 years ago

            Re: Hard rubber jazz mouthpiece for alto

            yeah . hope he decided , it's been four years.

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            1. by Nefertiti
              (2 posts)

              15 years ago

              Re: Hard rubber jazz mouthpiece for alto

              I have a NY Cafe piece that is really great. It's by the Mouthpiece Cafe guys. I also have a new aizen mouthpiece from Japan on it's way to me. I have heard that these are really great so I'm looking forward to trying it.

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