Saxophone Forum

by nad1rn
(37 posts)
20 years ago


thinking of getting a Metal Dukoff 6 for my yamaha82-z alto. any thoughts

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  1. by definition
    (963 posts)

    20 years ago

    Re: Dukoffs

    be careful!! The newer dukoffs are horribly inconsistent - and horribly soft so they damage easily if you are careless. But if you have a good one, they are very good pieces. I suggest if you get one new, send it to Keith Bradbury, aka Mojobari. He is THE MAN on Dukoffs, and makin them play to their potential. Do a google searh of his name andf you will get his site.

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    1. by saabtech
      (20 posts)

      20 years ago

      Re: Dukoffs

      are they actually harder to play than rubber pieces? this is what i heard.

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      1. by definition
        (963 posts)

        20 years ago

        Re: Dukoffs

        They are no harder than any other rubber piece. the thing that makes them hard, is that they have such bad facings most of the time.

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        1. by connsaxman_jim
          (2336 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: Dukoffs

          I'd go with a Meyer or an Otto Link over a Dukoff. You can buy an Otto Link through for around $110.

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        2. by nad1rn
          (37 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: Dukoffs

          It is an older model and it says Miami florida on the MP

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        3. by StratmanBaze
          (61 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: Dukoffs

          are the new dukoffs made in florida? i was just wandering...

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        4. by SaxMan88
          (318 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: Dukoffs

          I've heard what definiton what already mentioned, that you have to pick out a Dukoff in order to get a good one, for every single one is different and if you get a $hitty one, you'll be sorry. I also agree with Jim. I'm gonna get a metal Otto for my alto over the summer, $20 cheaper than a possible POS Dukoff. The older ones are better, my band director has two and man they are sweet. A lot of pro's play on Dukoff (Sanborn, Ken Gorelick [yes, he counts], maybe Michael Brecker), so if you're gonna get one, get an older. Otherwise go with an Otto and don't look back!!!

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        5. by phathorn
          (165 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: Dukoffs

          brecker plays brecker pieces by guardala...the most well known dukoff tenor player was, of course, Dexter!

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        6. by StratmanBaze
          (61 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: Dukoffs

          POS dukoff? I bought new ones for my reference and mk VI....there is nothing wrong with them. the sound is really bluesy and cool.

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        7. by SaxMan88
          (318 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: Dukoffs

          Stratman, I'm just saying in theory; if you get a junk Dukoff it'll be a POS. Not saying all are, just keeping in mind that they are inconsistent and that if ya get a crappy one, it sucks. You musta been lucky, for you got two good ones. I've heard a LOT of people complain about them...then there's a few who say they're good so they must have the good eggs. I would just rather go with a consistent mouthpiece like an Otto Link or a Meyer. And that's only what I've read.

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        8. by sax_maniac
          (984 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: Dukoffs

          While I've been able to salvage Dukoff silverite pieces by refacing them, I'm of the camp that they aren't worth buying unless you can give them a blow first.

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        9. by StratmanBaze
          (61 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: Dukoffs

          I do like my dukoffs, though I must admit i'm not too crazy about silverites. one dukoff that came with my mark VI (it was a hollywood model) did sound cool. Otto links... I did hear that some of the new ones were good and some were bad (in the end they're all moutpieces *smiles*) but many people have told me to go about the old vintage florida ones. Then again, I am facing the decision of buying a vintage florida link, a barone mouthpiece, or a custom made dukoff made by the dude himself...any ideas?

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        10. by StratmanBaze
          (61 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: Dukoffs

 should read "I must admit i'm not too crazy about the silverite substance" they're good mouthpieces (for me anyways) though

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