Saxophone Forum

by StratmanBaze
(61 posts)
20 years ago

Mark VI...or SBA?

Both are great saxophones, and its obvious that the Mark VI is more popular, but what about the Super Balanced Action? Would it be better? Also, if one was to get an SBA, which serial numbers would be ideal?

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  1. by connsaxman_jim
    (2336 posts)

    20 years ago

    Re: Mark VI...or SBA?

    In a tenor, go with the Mark VI. In an alto, I actually prefer the SBA. It's all a matter of preference though.

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    1. by johnsonfromwisconsin
      (767 posts)

      20 years ago

      Re: Mark VI...or SBA?

      indeed. However, don't discount other makes both modern and vintage. The VI and the SBA are pretty much the most expensive horns on the vintage market, save for some rare oddities.

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      1. by peter090
        (155 posts)

        20 years ago

        Re: Mark VI...or SBA?

        For what it is worth. The thing with selmers for many years was that they were a safe investment. You could always get your money back or even count on them appreciating in value. I think the vintage horn market has become so speculative that is no longer the case. I may be wrong but the current sax market looks like a bubble to me. They are still great horns but you better buy it because you want to play it and there is NO WAY I'd buy one without playing it.

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        1. by StratmanBaze
          (61 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: Mark VI...or SBA?

          Ofcourse, I wouldn't get one for an investment. Although it would do as a nice investment...but like you said, I'd get one only to play. People asked this one dude if he'd drive his Ferrari...and he said he's not going to keep it on a wall...he's gonna drive it. I was only wandering which is better because...well...I was just wandering.

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        2. by connsaxman_jim
          (2336 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: Mark VI...or SBA?

          well better is a very relative term! It's all a matter of opinion. What's better for me might not necessarily be what is better for you. Now, if you strictly asking in terms of value, the Mark VI is worth considerably more than an SBA, although even the SBA's are worth a pretty penny! If you're going to play the horn, find the one that you like best; and like a couple others here said; don't limit yourself to Selmer. Try a Conn, Buescher, King, Martin, H Couf, or Keilwerth.

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        3. by StratmanBaze
          (61 posts)

          20 years ago

          alto sax

          Yeah, I'm not trying to limit myself to selmer much...which brings me to my next question... Would I be better off purchasing a vintage alto, or a yamaha alto yas-82z? also, if i was to get the z, would it be okay to get it unlaquered? because I remember connsaxman_jim had some points about unlaquered stuff..

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        4. by jamterry
          (573 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: alto sax

          i have two mark VI's, and the reason i do is that i can't afford more than one of any type of sax. they play great in any type of music spplication. the brand means nothing if the sax isn't playable. a mark VI is only as good as it plays.i was too young st the time to remember my buescher alto. when i got to high school my teacher told my parents that it was beyond repair. i had the conn 14m and 16m which were great horns. i played a yanagasawa baritone with a bass clarinet mouthpiece in a recording session, and the horn was very playable. my point is, that a mark VI is a used horn!!!! be careful. best of luck to you :)

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