Saxophone Forum

by shobud77
(4 posts)
20 years ago

1933-34 conn tenor

Sorry, I previously ststed my sax as a 1939, but when I checked the serial number it seems to be a 1933-34, the serial number is , x257626 l or r

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  1. by connsaxman_jim
    (2336 posts)

    20 years ago

    Re: 1933-34 conn tenor

    A serial number of 257626 would indicate that this horn was built in 1933 This would be a transitional model tenor, most likely an early 10M. Does this tenor have both the B and Bb keys on the same side of the bell or on opposite sides? What is the engraving on the bell? Lacquered, gold or silver? Does the horn have a Nail file (cross hatched) G# key? It's probably more like a 10M than a Chu Berry (New Wonder Series II) but may have characteristics of both horns.

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    1. by shobud77
      (4 posts)

      20 years ago

      Re: 1933-34 conn tenor

      The markings I find on it are: C.G.Conn Ltd. with :Elkhart Ind-USA on one side and what appears to be: "maybedy" on the other side, this is located on the front of the bell. It also has a girls face below that on the front also. I believe it is lacquered brass. It has been years since I have played it so I am not sure of the B and Bb. It has a nail file on the forth finger,left has ivory keys.

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      1. by shobud77
        (4 posts)

        20 years ago

        Re: 1933-34 conn tenor

        can anyone tell me what the value of the above sax is? I am thinking of selling it,but don't know what it is worth.

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