Saxophone Forum

by Dermy
(4 posts)
8 years ago

Adolf Sax Alto made 1907 or so

I have just started to look in the UK for a repairman to overhaul this Alto I picked up

 Feur de l’Académie Nle de musique, 84. RUE MYRHA, Paris, Made in France

 its not in bad shape I have almost all the parts I plan to get her up and running

sn is 14764 that makes it about 1907/1908 goes down to low Bb and has some odd

trill keys its in Eb but not sure it will be 440hz I hope you can see the photos I never tryed to post them before  anyways have a look and see what you think.                                              Peace :-)




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  1. by GFC
    (842 posts)

    8 years ago

    Re: Adolf Sax Alto made 1907 or so

    I'm a little pessimistic about this project.  Since it is missing the low C anc Eb keys and tonehole chimneys those will most likely have to be fabricated unless someone has a carcass of an identical model lying around.  That would be very expensive and the horn will never have the value of an all-original one because of the importance of historical authenticity to value.

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    1. by Dermy
      (4 posts)

      8 years ago

      Re: Adolf Sax Alto made 1907 or so

      Yes I know what you mean I have the Eb key and its soldered tone cup but the C is missing and the cup also would need replaced as you said. I will give it to a tech and see what it would cost and like you say is it even worth doing the work.

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      1. by historicsaxwhisperer
        (644 posts)

        8 years ago

        Re: Adolf Sax Alto made 1907 or so

        There are a number of guys out there that are able to fabricate pieces.

        A brass tube cut correctly with the correct specs may not be too demanding to fabricate.


        Check out his site and what he is able to do in shop. He may be able to take on the project or send you in the right direction.



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        1. by Dermy
          (4 posts)

          8 years ago

          Re: Adolf Sax Alto made 1907 or so

          Thanks I have been getting some good feed back about the horn I will give it a light clean up and post some better photos it seems a maybe a latter horn from around the 1920s that Selmer sold at the start when they took over the factory but the sn 14764 made me think it was older i seen this   the sn would work into that.

          thanks I will look at that repair shop

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        2. by GFC
          (842 posts)

          8 years ago

          Re: Adolf Sax Alto made 1907 or so

          If you can nail down when Adolfe Sax switched from split to left side bell keys it might help you get a better handle on when yours was produced.

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