Saxophone Forum

by Gumptious
(40 posts)
20 years ago

Most popular jazz saxes.

Whats the most popular most commonly played jazz alto saxophone? Also if anyone here could afford the most ideal jazz set up for alto what would it be? Sax, mouthpiece, reed etc... I just want different opinions

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  1. by blackfrancis
    (396 posts)

    20 years ago

    Re: Most popular jazz saxes.

    Probably among the big names, Selmer with a Meyer, but there are so many different voices out there- that's one of the really wonderful things about jazz. No rules about how to sound or what to use to get there. For instance, Art pepper used a Martin, Cannonball Adderly used a King Super 20, the list goes on and on... Part of the fun for me has been in the searching for that sound that's in my head. Currently, that sound in my head for alto is a '33 Conn (not quite a 6M yet) and a Claude Lakey mouthpiece with the chamber removed and the baffle lowered. If I need to be mellower, a Rico graftonite B7. Rico Jazz Select 2 medium reeds. Just try things out 'til you find something that suits you.

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  2. by connsaxman_jim
    (2336 posts)

    20 years ago

    Re: Most popular jazz saxes.

    One of the most popular jazz altos and my personal favorite is the Conn 6M. Many artists, including Charlie Parker, have used the 6M. They have a great tone, and they play very easy. I really like Otto Link mouthpieces. The set-up I use is a 1950 6M (without rolled tone holes, with metal resonator pads) an Otto Link Tone Edge 5* hard rubber mouthpiece, a Rovner Dark Ligature, and Rico Jazz Select unfiled reeds. Other vintage saxophones I would suggest trying are the King Super 20, Buescher 400 Top Hat & Cane, and Selmer Mark VI. Of the new saxophones I would recommend trying the Yamaha 82Z, which is very bright and also plays very easy, the Keilwerth SX-90 and SX-90R which has soldered on tone rings similar to the rolled tone holes of the vintage Conn saxophones, and I would also suggest trying a Cannonball. Some of the new Cannonballs are finding favor with pro players, and the quality has gotten considerably better. Of course, there is also the Selmer Ref. 54, which is said to be based on the original Mark VI.

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  3. by jamterry
    (573 posts)

    20 years ago

    Re: Most popular jazz saxes.

    I play mark VI's with Otto Link 7's and Van Doren reeds.When i was young i used to hand pick my reeds. Now every body is too paranoid in the the music stores to let you do that. The biggest concern wth a horn is the condition that it is in. I started on a Buescher alto, progressed to a Conn 16m tenor, and ultimately got my my Selmers. My horns were on lay away, and i could only go look at them in the store. La Voz reeds are good too. Stay away from Rico,as they are junk!!!! I hope some someday to have a soprano. Time for layaway again.

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    1. by johnsonfromwisconsin
      (767 posts)

      20 years ago

      Re: Most popular jazz saxes.

      The most popular horn in jazz, classical, and commerical settings is probably the Mark VI. Is it the best? only you can decide.

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