Saxophone Forum

by judes
(2 posts)
20 years ago

Martin Indiana Tenor Sax - serial #67184

Please help! I know nothing of saxophones. I'd like to know if this is a good horn and how much i should pay for it, given the information provided and the warning about the octave key. Here is the link to the item on eBay: many thanks!

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  1. by connsaxman_jim
    (2336 posts)

    20 years ago

    Re: Martin Indiana Tenor Sax - serial #67184

    Congratulations Jude, it appears that you won this sax for a mere $480! That's a pretty good deal! The Indiana is a GREAT horn, and this one certainly looks to be in good shape. You'll probably want to replace the pads, but even the case looks to be in pretty good shape. These horns in good condition are well worth $900-$1200. They have a great, gutsy tone, and play very easy. You certainly did well on the price also!

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    1. by judes
      (2 posts)

      20 years ago

      Re: Martin Indiana Tenor Sax - serial #67184

      Thank you so very much for your insights! I read so many conflicting reviews about the Martin Indiana that I was just confused as to whether or not I got a good deal. The octave key that the seller warned about not closing properly--is that something that anyone who plays the sax can fix? The sax is for my dad who is wanting to pick up the tenor sax again. Again, thank you so much for your comments. You made me breathe a sigh of relief.

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      1. by Dave Dix
        (421 posts)

        20 years ago

        Re: Martin Indiana Tenor Sax - serial #67184

        Sounds like the top octave vent needs a tweek Dave

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        1. by connsaxman_jim
          (2336 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: Martin Indiana Tenor Sax - serial #67184

          The sax is probably going to need a good check-up, at least a few pads, and some adjustments. I'd recommend taking it into a reputable technition and having them check it out. It's certainly worth putting some money into. Like Dave said, the top octave vent tube may need a tweek, or their could be spring off, or broken. These are pretty easy to fix. I would probably just clean it up, do a complete repad and recork, replace any broken springs and get everything adjusted properly, and you should be set.

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