Saxophone Forum

by swinegar
(1 post)
20 years ago

Need case for vintage Buescher Tru-tone

My dad recently gave us his vintage gold-plated Buescher Tru-Tone alto sax, SN 215236. We had it cleaned and re-padded for my son to play, but the case was full of bugs/beyond repair. I'd like to find an affordable replacement for the case. Ideas/thought?

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  1. by connsaxman_jim
    (2336 posts)

    20 years ago

    Re: Need case for vintage Buescher Tru-tone

    The SKB cases are pretty nice. I purchased one for a Conn 10M tenor and it fit well. I think a Buescher True Tone should fit well in the alto case. They're available online at I prefer the rectangular case because it has a little more room for accessories. This case sells for $84.99. I also prefer the hard cases over the soft. I feel they offer more protection that most soft cases.

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