Saxophone Forum

by gwynnen
(5 posts)
20 years ago

Interesting Answer

I registered and posted on this board a few days ago as I thought after looking around a bit that people here were knowledgable and might help me with some answers. I was greatly disappointed to discover that unless you are one of the regulars, it seems that you can post but you won't even receive an answer saying sorry can't help. Good thing I have a really good music store here. I hope other newcomers to your board get a better response than I did.

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  1. by eman19
    (131 posts)

    20 years ago

    Re: Interesting Answer

    Well I for one am sorry you feel that way. I was actually going to respond to your post, but I wasn't sure of what to say. I love martins, and yours is a mid 60's most likely (I have to check the serial # to be sure). The reason I didn't reply was that I wasn't sure how badly your horn was corroded, and didn't want to give you an answer that was incorrect for how badly or not your horn was in need of repair. And your not the only one who gets ignored. I have posted here before and gotten no response. One I post 1-2 weeks and no one else commented on it yet. Well I hope this helps a bit in why I at least didn't respond.

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    1. by west
      (242 posts)

      20 years ago

      Re: Interesting Answer

      If people don't know the answer, it wouldn't bother me if they didn't post. Other people might feel the same way as i. The way i feel is that if you post to say "sorry can't help" and their newcomers, It could mean discussion closed or they might think that we are speaking for everybody. They might not be interested either. I think everyone has posts that are ignored. It's kinda like a fact of like

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