Saxophone Forum

by thomsuz
(1 post)
20 years ago

I know nothing about sax's orConns-help

I have a silver Conn sax Number M164883. serial # list indicates 1925-26. Is it an alto or tenor? is it a good sax? any comments/ Thanks

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  1. by connsaxman_jim
    (2336 posts)

    20 years ago

    Re: I know nothing about sax's orConns-help

    Unfortunately, I can't tell rather it's an alto or tenor from the serial number. It could even be a C melody for that matter. Send me a few pictures to [email protected] and I will take a look. If you can, try to get a good picture of the neck. This would be a Conn New Wonder Series II saxophone, which is often referred to as a "Chu Berry" horn. If it has a curved neck, it is a tenor. A longer straight neck would be a C Melody, a shorter straight neck would be an alto. The tenor is the largest of these three, and measures about 28" . A C melody measures 24" I'd be happy to take a look for you. Also, under the serial number should be a letter; either a T, C, or an A which corresponds to Tenor C melody or Alto. An L would indicate low pitch, which is now standard. An H would indicate high pitch, in which case, your horn might make a beautiful lamp or wall piece, but would not play in tune with today's instruments. High pitch horns are very rare. Jim

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