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by STEVE.MUCHNICK (1 post) 8 years ago
I want a new bite plate for my alto and my tenor Brilhart Level Air mouthpieces. Does anyone know where I could find these?
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by mijderf (282 posts) 8 years ago
I have seen these from time to time on Ebay. None there now, but you might want to start watching.
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by GFC (842 posts) 8 years ago
If you've got tooth gouges and don't care too much about cosmetics, you could fill them with epoxy and sand it smooth. Or if you are concerned about cosmetics it could be an interim repair until you can get your hands on a new bite plate.
by mijderf (282 posts) 7 years ago
I know this is a year late, but I just saw this today: made bite plate inserts at a not too bad price by Mojobari.