Saxophone Forum

by Jim Keith
(20 posts)
20 years ago

Hard Rubber MPC

I have an otto link *7 mouthpiece and i like it but the large hard rubber fit me more(seeing as i am a larger mouthed person they respond better) can anyone tell me an exceptional mpc to try...hard rubber?

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  1. by Spike
    (248 posts)

    20 years ago

    Re: Hard Rubber MPC

    it's very much a personal choice. I have a berg 90/1M and love it, but have a couple friends who can't make a noise on it.

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  2. by connsaxman_jim
    (2336 posts)

    20 years ago

    Re: Hard Rubber MPC

    Meyer has a nice hard rubber piece, and the Otto Link Tone Edge is a nice piece. The Rico Royal Graftonite pieces are nice too, and cheap. You might try one of the new Jody Jazz metals. They have a nice taper and design, and they are very easy to play. The Otto Link Super Tone Master metals are pretty tame for a metal piece too.

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    1. by phathorn
      (165 posts)

      20 years ago

      Re: Hard Rubber MPC

      you might want to check with Theo Wanne @ He does some really nice things with hard rubber pieces

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      1. by tsax_player
        (76 posts)

        20 years ago

        Re: Hard Rubber MPC

        I play hard rubber pieces on alto and tenor. I am a big fan of Peter Ponzol mouthpieces. I play the traditional, and I hear the custom is a great piece also.

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    2. by TANGO SIX ONE
      (255 posts)

      20 years ago

      Re: Hard Rubber MPC

      The knights templar find it interesting that you talk of how it feels in your mouth.Yes it is good to get things feeling as best you can but for us sound is paramount.The secret is to know how much lift you require ,depth you want, the all important width if your a hard bop , post bop, or blues person, etc player.If your a link person, hard rubber against metal have similar and different qualities which sends the link people on an endless jeourney.If you require maximum width for example with masive power then that dosent lie in metal as a lot of people think.Also tuning and lay are different with links,metal to hard rubber.Links for us are the greatest ever, may be on a par with Freddie Gregory . But the links are a battle a life long battle it never stops refinement and change.The knights Templar are making reference to mouthpieces here for tenor sax.( Bird lives)

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    3. by saxomat
      (3 posts)

      19 years ago

      Re: Hard Rubber MPC

      Hi, I play RPCs (Ron Coelho only produces hardrubber mpcs). They sound great! And I play a Lebayle Jazz Chamber 8 Wood(!)-Mouthpiece. Great Subtone!

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