Saxophone Forum

by vipegrad
(47 posts)
20 years ago

Soprano sax mouthpiece

I own a 1911 holton soprano and i need a new mouth piece for jazz. It currently has a selmer c* and i would like to know what mouth piece would be best, hard rubber vs metal, brand names, etc. thank you.

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  1. by definition
    (963 posts)

    20 years ago

    Re: Soprano sax mouthpiece

    one of my favs on soprano has always been a metal link. I also have found the runyon Model 88 and custom to be great as well as the Selmer Super Session Piece

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  2. by Island991
    (22 posts)

    20 years ago

    Re: Soprano sax mouthpiece

    i have to agree. I have a Yani sop and i go with metal link (rovner light lig) all the time, great tuning and bags a punch. Im toying with trying something for more sensitive moments. anyone got a Yani sop wanna suggest a dark yet jazz mpc/lig set up for me to try??

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    1. by spifster
      (67 posts)

      20 years ago

      Re: Soprano sax mouthpiece

      I don't have a yanigasawa but my Meyer 7 hr and rovner dark work great for me.

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