Saxophone Forum

by gardenshed
(20 posts)
19 years ago

Octave Key emergency repair.

Octave keypad failing or lost? BluTak to the rescue. Roll suitable sized ball of Blu Tak and plug in place of cork pad or on top of. Take a tiny pice of light guage cigarette paper and place it firmly on top of the new Blu Tak pad. A little talc or cue chalk helps also at this stage. Press the new pad into the valve. It will form a perfect seal. The only thing to make sure of is that the surface remains dry and will open. It's a great emergency solution, but having said that, I haven't used anything different in my alto for a year.

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  1. by Dave Dix
    (421 posts)

    19 years ago

    Re: Octave Key emergency repair.

    I used a bit of gaffer tape once silver side down when the pad fell out on a gig and got lost Dave

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    1. by eman19
      (131 posts)

      19 years ago

      Re: Octave Key emergency repair.

      if the octave key itself ever breaks - emergency fix - electricians tape, wire cutters and a hanger. I had an alto that had a hanger turned into the octave mechanism.

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