Saxophone Forum

(12 posts)
20 years ago


I listen to people like Kenny G ,and Kirk Whalum and their sound is so pure and clear.Does anyone has any tips to how to get my sound like theirs.Thanx in advance.

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  1. by YanagisawA-901
    (312 posts)

    20 years ago


    1st and foremost dont go buyn hundreds of dollars worth of equipment before YOU have worked out as many kinks in urself as possible.. and i think the 1st thing u should look at on urself is your airflow.. it needs to be so constant and undisturbed that its scary.. my teacher has an exersize in which we take an 8" x 8" square of paper and hold it to a wall for as long as possible using proper airflow.. (thin airstream, not puffing cheeks etc.).. that helps.. always play with the same intensity as playing FFFF .. u kno how u play on triple forte or just FF?? right?? well if ur playing piano, dont sacrifice that same support and intensity.. thats all i got haha..

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    1. by SaxMan88
      (318 posts)

      20 years ago


      Yea, most of what Yani said plus I have some tidbits of my own. Along with airflow, you have to make sure your embouchure and control are in top notch. Kenny G plays on metal pieces (I think maybe on his alto he plays on a h/r), and you can't play on a metal if you don't have control in the jaw and cheek muslces. So that's that. Your setup is also critical. Kenny G plays on Mark VI's. Chances are you're not going to find a sax that quite matches up to one of his actual Mark VI's; because we all know horns from that era were different one from the other. That's about it from me. Good luck!

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