Saxophone Forum

by BariBryse
(1 post)
8 years ago

Smoking Weed and Playing Sax

So, I'm a jazz musicican at my local highschool, which has the best music program in the pacific northwest. I started smoking weed in eighth grade, at first smoking once every few weeks, to every single day, and especially when practicing my Bari. I've practiced while smoking for about a month now, and I've noticed my playing has significantly improved, as well as my ability to improvise and do so while maintaining a melodic sound. I'm concerned with how the long term effects could impact my playing, or my ability to play. How is it (being stoned) when preforming in front of an audience? Does anyone with experience in this area have any advice? Thanks.

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  1. by kelsey
    (930 posts)

    8 years ago

    Re: Smoking Weed and Playing Sax

     Smoking dope will make you think you're sounding good and when actually you suck. I am a 79 year old working jazz musician. Over many years I've been around lots of differen't guys who were doing weed when they play and it's always the same. Sober is the hip way to go! Plus this "I'm gonna tell your Mommy"....

    Barry Kelsey

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  2. by historicsaxwhisperer
    (644 posts)

    7 years ago

    Re: Smoking Weed and Playing Sax

    It sounds to me that you are just playing more and that is why you are improving.

    Try it without the pot.

    I know its legal, but give sobriety a chance.

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  3. by GFC
    (842 posts)

    7 years ago

    Re: Smoking Weed and Playing Sax

    I've known some players who do awesome stuff when they're high but they seem to be the exception rather than the rule.  The other side of the coin is players who get high and lose focus.  It's very frustrating to work with people like that.  Good players might get a boost into the creative zone with pot - it does open up listening - but it never made a mediocre player good and loss of focus assures stagnation.

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  4. by jazz4dhart
    (1 post)

    7 years ago

    Re: Smoking Weed and Playing Sax

    Young brother, all I have to add to what advice has been given is this, Pot and reading, especially in a rehearsal band or show reading situation is not a good choice.  The demands on your left brain are too high for being under the influence of grass.  For you as a pot smoker,  it is best left for practice and improv groups.  I have made a living during my life as an improvizing Saxophonist as well as a show doubler since the late '60's and some of that time was in Portland Or.  I have found that a beer or two, for instance, is far more helpful than grass for relaxing one enough to overcome the stage jitters. Unfortunately, one can being consummed by alcohol. I can confidently give this advice; never smoke before playing reading gigs, especially, tricky doubling gigs. Party after the Show.  Good luck with your musical future young Swinger.......

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  5. by Catracer
    (6 posts)

    7 years ago

    Re: Smoking Weed and Playing Sax

    There is nothing surprising. If you start experimenting with different strains of marijuana, you and not such opportunities in yourself will be able to identify. Each strain has a certain effect. I often use girl scout cookies  because I have problems with sleeping.

    Can i get an Amen?

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