Saxophone Forum

by Renegade Saxman
(7 posts)
20 years ago

Links of The Otto sort and various other mouthpieces

I am a recent alto turned tenor saxophonist and I know how important a set up for an instrument can be. I currently play a Cannonball Big Bell Global Series but the stock mouthpiece sucks balls. I am looking at sending an Otto link to get customized by someone who is noted for his talent. But, I was wondering of the Otto links which is the best? The Tone Master, SuperTone Master, Today's current models or Early Babbit Super Tone Masters. I need to know which is favorite to most to know what to focus on when I try them out. But also need to know which mouthpiece to send and if this is worth while or should I just settle for a decent jody jazz piece or a Berg or anything else. Thanks for reading and I hope you respond

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  1. by sax_maniac
    (984 posts)

    20 years ago

    Re: Links of The Otto sort and various other mouthpieces

    "sucks balls?!?!?" Quite the colorful review of the CB stock mpc! Instead of buying an Otto Link and having it customized - just spend the money on a Vandoren V16 or any of Ponzol's hand-finished pieces. Those are options that will get you headed in the right derection right out of the box.

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  2. by sax_maniac
    (984 posts)

    20 years ago

    Re: Links of The Otto sort and various other mouthpieces

    Oh yeah - Jody Jazz pieces have a following, though I've not ever played one. But I think Bergs are too variable from piece to piece - not worth the time hassle of finding a good one. That's primarily why I say Vandoren V16 or Ponzol.

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    1. by Bleeding_Gums_Murphy
      (55 posts)

      20 years ago

      Re: Links of The Otto sort and various other mouthpieces

      JodyJazz's are awesome. Their sound and projection is awesome and the response on those things is just ridiculous.

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      1. by connsaxman_jim
        (2336 posts)

        20 years ago

        Re: Links of The Otto sort and various other mouthpieces

        I'd definately go for the Jody Jazz. They are awesome mouthpieces. I'm going to order one here shortly I think. Just trying to decide which one to buy. My 10M is very picky when it comes to mouthpieces. I currently play an Otto Link Super Tone Master from about 1965. It's a great piece, and sounds fantastic, but I am looking to try something new. The Ponzols are good, but I prefer the Jody Jazz, and they're a little less money that some of the Ponzols. I really couldn't tell you much about Vandoren, except that they are also a little pricey, and I'm not too impressed with their reeds, so.....I'll pass.

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