Saxophone Forum

by jazzplayer15
(27 posts)
19 years ago

What should I work on?

I am just starting the Alto, but I've played the Clarinet for four years. I'm going straight into a higher level Jazz band next year and I'm wondering what I should work on over the summer so I'm prepared for that. Thanks for your advice.

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  1. by connsaxman_jim
    (2336 posts)

    19 years ago

    Re: What should I work on?

    Scales Scales Scales!!! Play along with some cd's and try doing some improvisation. Pay attention to the dynamics; the way the music flows. Just try to duplicate as much as you can. Good Luck! Jim

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    1. by Tully
      (49 posts)

      19 years ago

      Re: What should I work on?

      You might also want to get some Aebersold books, especially #1 and Maiden Voyage (which I believe is #14, but I'm not positive). And take lessons with the best teacher you can find.

      Reply To Post AIM

  2. by Paduano
    (16 posts)

    19 years ago

    Re: What should I work on?

    Try working on chords as well. Chords are very important to know in jazz. Without them, your a sitting duck. And you'll need to know them anyways for improve.

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