Saxophone Forum

by cgmitc2
(1 post)
7 years ago

Help identifying old saxophone

This saxophone has sat in our garage for the past 30 years. It was given to our family from a lawyer who purchased it from a musician. I’ve taken it in to local shops and no one has been able to identify its year or brand. All I am told is that it is from the early 1900s if not earlier. I would really appreciate the help in identifying the brand and possible value as I decide if I should have it restored. 

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  1. by historicsaxwhisperer
    (644 posts)

    7 years ago

    Re: Help identifying old saxophone

    As the Emblem states OA & Co.

    This is an Oscar Addler and Company saxophone.

    This means this is the name it was sold under. I would expect it is an older German or Eastern Europe manufacturer. If it is missing the neck, you got a nice planter to plant herbs in and put on your back porch.

    If it has the neck, you got an expensive refurbishing job that will cost more than the horn is worth.  They keywork is too basic to make it worth using. The market is saturated with inexpensive horns that will play better than this one refurbished.

    There may be collectors that see it here and are interested in it.

    Good Luck.

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    1. by gcblade
      (1 post)

      7 years ago

      Re: Help identifying old saxophone

      HI ,, NEW HERE HOPE SOMEONE GETS THIS.. I HAVE A iNDIANA BY MARTIN SAX.. 62617 AND IT SHOWS UP AS HANDCRAFT .. like 1925 or so cant remeber .. ,, doesnt show up as Indiana,, is it a silver buffet .. .. really confused or just tired...ok thanks george 

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      1. by GFC
        (842 posts)

        7 years ago

        Re: Help identifying old saxophone

        The Indiana serial numbers are not in sequence with Martin's main serial numbers, which is a common source of confusion.

        Hope that helps.

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