Saxophone Forum

by eaglescout2516
(3 posts)
7 years ago

Air Leak

Hi I got a new Selmer La Voix II about a month ago, and suddenly the middle range is not playing right.  It feels like an air leak but it passed the leak light test and the cigarette paper test.  The only notes that don't play right are the middle d, to middle a, but I can force the notes out if I want to.  The high range is great and the low range is great as well.  Do you think it is an air leak or something else, and how can I fix it?  Thank you

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  1. by mijderf
    (282 posts)

    7 years ago

    Re: Air Leak

    If you are convinced it is not a leak, check the octave pip on the body of the horn.  It could leak, be plugged or just not actuating properly.  The body pip affects only D2 through G2, but a leak there could also have some impact on A2.

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    1. by eaglescout2516
      (3 posts)

      7 years ago

      Re: Air Leak

      You were right, it was a problem with the octave piece.  It must have bent up slightly that it didn't close completely.  Thank you for the advice.

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  2. by historicsaxwhisperer
    (644 posts)

    7 years ago

    Re: Air Leak

    Possibly a neck that does not fit tightly, presenting a leak, or a mouthpiece that does not fit tightly, also presenting a leak. Possibly a clog in the body vent. If you have a pipe cleaner type fuzzy wire, hobby lobby and walmart, you can slide it into the body vent while you have the key pad open and make sure it is not blocked.

    You also state its a new horn. Possibly you are touching a palm key open in error, causing a leak as you are playing. Check you hand position while in front of a mirror.

    Other than that, you could have someone else play it and see if it is the horn or something you may be doing.

    Good Luck

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