Saxophone Forum

by Kenschneider
(1 post)
7 years ago

Buying an Alto Sax

Hi, I'm a high school senior going into my first year in college. I am majoring in Music Education, and music performance. I need insight to my first instrument purchase. I play saxophone so I'm looking for an alto first. I'd like to find a professional instrument for the long run. I currently play on a level 3 reed. Any brands for the instrument, ligature, and mouthpieces that are worth buying?

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  1. by mijderf
    (282 posts)

    7 years ago

    Re: Buying an Alto Sax

    Have you gone to the resources tab at the top of this page and read the "Saxophone Buyers Guide"?  It is a pretty comprehensive discussion of buying options including modern and vintage pro horns.
    I assume you already know what school you are headed to.  If so, i would also pose this question to the saxophone profs at your new school.  Some schools can be pretty fixed-minded (euphemism for close-minded) about what horns they want their students to be using.  You need to know if this is the case ahead of time.

    Good luck with your search.  It should be a lot of fun! 

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