Saxophone Forum

by kullboys
(2 posts)
7 years ago


Hello, everyone

I am a new Member and I am very happy to participate in the Forum with you.


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  1. by dcrandall
    (1 post)

    7 years ago

    Re: Introduction

    Hello my friends.  I am happy to be in saxophone forum.  I have 2 C-melody saxes-  one is Conn, one is Contertino or Concertine.  I have serial numbers for both.  I am interested in dates for those-Concertine is exact duplicate of Conn I have.

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    1. by historicsaxwhisperer
      (644 posts)

      7 years ago

      Re: Introduction

      Under the saxophone museum tab on this site, there is a serial number list.

      This site is full of iinformation, so just look around.

      The concertine, or concertiono C melodys were made by conn, but you will not be able to find any info from that particular serial number sequence. If it is identical to your CG conn horn, it is either the same time frame of shortly afterwards. After Conn would upgraded to a new key design. Straight neck etc. the older model horns were what Conn stenciled out from their extra in stock saxophone parts. I have had old model conn saxes that were stencil horns and they had the newer upgraded pivot screws, a newer design in and around 1923.

      Good Luck and Welcome!

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