Saxophone Forum

by mgictwnger
(46 posts)
7 years ago

Polishing a vintage silver plated soprano

I have a Buescher tru tone straight soprano from 1926 with its silver plating almost entirely intact. When I polish it with cresm style silver polish the tarnish is removed but it is a royal PITA getting all the polish off from the hard to reach places without disassembling the horn or going at it with Q tips.

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  1. by historicsaxwhisperer
    (644 posts)

    7 years ago

    Re: Polishing a vintage silver plated soprano

    It is just cosmetic. so STOP!!

    This is not something you should do without dismantling the horn.

    Use a silver polishing cloth from a local jewelers shop if you want to polish it up without dismantling.

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    1. by bjroosevelt
      (47 posts)

      7 years ago

      Re: Polishing a vintage silver plated soprano

      The reason you don’t want to put polish on a horn without dismantling is that most polishes (and polishing cloths) leave a residue that actually accelerates the tarnishing process, after they add their luster.  You need to rinse it off well....and you can’t do that if the horn is assembled.

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  2. by mgictwnger
    (46 posts)

    7 years ago

    Re: Polishing a vintage silver plated soprano

    Thanks for the informative replies, I will be disassembling the horn before I polish it.

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