Saxophone Forum

by rurusax
(4 posts)
7 years ago

New member, first time poster

Hello All. I'm a sax player, teacher and sax care product maker from Seattle. I began playing the sax when I was 10 yrs old and have been madly in love with it ever since. When I was 14 I began apprenticing in woodwind repair at a local repair shop. I loved that work and continued doing repair while attending music college. Today, I compose, perform, teach and hustle everyday to make music my life. You can hear what I'm up to with that at  
I recently invented a line of sax care products called Key Leaves. They leave keys open to dry between play sessions so the pads dry clean and don't stick. You can learn more about that by searching Key Leaves. 

I joined Saxophone to connect with other players, repair techs and keep learning.


[Selmer Mark VI alto & tenor. Selmer S80III soprano]

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