Saxophone Forum

by bchev93
(1 post)
7 years ago

New sax need info on it.

 Hi new Forum member here. Recently I bought this Tenor off of Facebook marketplace the seller wanted $450  but the sale ended up being a trade of my Jupiter alto.   All I know is it’s a Bundy Model I wanna assume based off of serial number five from the 70s or 80s .  Yahoo know about all the instruments please let me know And I do have a picture of the serial number in the photo set. Serial number 937069


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  1. by historicsaxwhisperer
    (644 posts)

    7 years ago

    Re: New sax need info on it.

    Im Confused why when it says Bundy II you would think it was a Bundy Model I


    It is a Bundy II. Made by Selmer USA, formerly known as A Buescher 200 prior to Buescher being bought by Selmer USA. The difference in the I is that the I had the bell keys on the other side of the bell. The Bundy II is more in line with what is considered the up to date key design.

    A student line horn from the Early 1980s. Value if not beat up is around 375.00

    There are many many of these and you can always find them priced undervalue.

    In my opinion, better than your Jupiter trade.

    Here is a local post of a Bundy I

    Good Luck

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