Saxophone Forum

by agc8
(25 posts)
6 years ago

Keilwerth horns are they made 100% in Germany?

Hi again. Had to ask. Saw a video done on YouTube by a company spokesman for Keilwerth...mentioned that "...saxophones in the ssame price range (as their MKX line) are made in China or Taiwan...the MKX are made in Germany...". Which just implies the horn (MKX) was assembled in Germany. Does any one know, if like Selmer Paris, 100% of Keilwerth horns are made in Germany? W/o s single part imported (e.g. from Taiwan, China, US...)?


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  1. by historicsaxwhisperer
    (644 posts)

    6 years ago

    Re: Keilwerth horns are they made 100% in Germany?


    If this helps your obscure request, I'm happy to help.

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    1. by agc8
      (25 posts)

      6 years ago

      Re: Keilwerth horns are they made 100% in Germany?

      That thread focuses on the 90 models.Mentins some models  are according to those sources Made in Germany. while others use German parts but assembled by Amati in Czechoslovakia.  How about the MKX? Is it a 100% German horn (100% German parts/Assembled in Germany)??

      Watched a BUffet Crampon (owns Keilwerth) Senzo Alto video. Was mentioned that the Senzo uses keys made by Keilwerth in Germany. But FOR the Senzo. So if Keilwerth is making the rest of the horn in Germany (ST models withstanding) and they make their own keys...could mean the MKX is indeed 100% German. 

      No mentin of the pads used. Made in Germany too? Pizoni's? 


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