Saxophone Forum

by Yanjipy
(2 posts)
6 years ago

Introduction to Jazz and Bossa Nova

Hello, I just got a used Yamaha YTS-23 tenor saxophone for my high school band orchestra class but I wanted to take my saxophone playing a step further and play jazz. However, I don't know how to teach myself. A close friend, who is a tenor sax player and has been playing for 48 years professionally, recommended me to listen to masters like Stan Getz and imitate them through videos and start off with playing bossa nova. Besides that, is there another way that I could as well learn jazz and bossa nova without paying for an instructor? Possibly a self-help way?
Very much appreciated.

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  1. by GFC
    (842 posts)

    6 years ago

    Re: Introduction to Jazz and Bossa Nova

    There are online instructional resources, both free and paid, available through  Choose whatever suits your situation best.

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