Looking into getting a curved soprano.
I'm looking to sell a few things and get about $500-600 together and fork up for a curved soprano, mainly for the portability factor. My band likes to make me haul the equipment in my car because "i'm driving there anyway", and i can't really bike a tenor sax around...
anyway, questions:
What kind of quality can I expect (as a generality, i know horns can either be on or off, depending on the luck one may have) for this kind of money?
any brands I should look into or avoid?
does the fact that the soprano curves make a difference in the likelyhood that the horn is in tune and responsive when I get it?
any experiences you've had with soprano saxophones? brands and types of sounds that come out? horror stories?
ive seen alot of responses on other posts, so don't let me down guys :)
sean, philadelphia
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